Well-Known Member
Sorry all, I delayed a bit on coming in ehre tointroduce myself! HI! I've been a bunny mom for a little over 1yrnow and i'm so happy I came across this forum! (Can't believe it tookme this long to stumble upon it.. haha) and so many great people, too!And I must say, it suure is easier & far moreenjoyable getting advice on herethan pouring over dozens ofbunny books and scouring the internet like I was doingin thebeginning (and for months afterwards,haha). But evennow,I'll still worry sometimes whether i'm being a goodenough mommy to him (don't worry, he's totally adored and pampered!). As my own mother says,"that, my dear,just comeswith the "mommy" territory!" haha.
My little bun is Mr. Max Fuzzball who Iadopted.The first time I metMax,Idiscovered his previous family knew zero zilchabout bunniesor even how to keep them happy/healthy, but none-the-less, had wantedto let their 7 year old daughter try having fun breedingMaxand raising babies :shock:. Glad they put him up foradoption instead, the second I heard that and saw the tiny cage he wasliving in without _any_ hay or veggies, I knew he was coming home withme that veryminute!After months andmonths of perseverance with getting him to warm up to me and not beingterrified of me and everything else around him, he's now a sweet,happyand snuggly bunny. Yay!
It was sheer random coincidence thatweeven found eachother, but thank goodness we did!Now I couldn't imagine my life without the little silly rascal as I'msure everyone else understands perfectly with their own sweeties. Hehelped me through a number ofdifficulttimes.
To be honest i'm still a bit bamboozled about his actualbreed. I know he's a purebred _something_ since his previous family gothim from a breeder (maybe i should post this in "what breed is mybunny" heh heh) but he's about 3Lbs, he's 1ft long from nose to tail(while sitting, not flopped over) body isallwhiteexcept forsplotches/spots on hisback in orangey, brown, and blackalsoaround eacheye and ears. Doesn't seem like he's little enough to be a dwarfandhis ears are 2 1/2 inches long (pretty little). A minispotted rex maybe? Here are pics of him.. he likes posing for thecamera.
We look forward to chatting with you all!