wanted to share this email i got from a family that adopted from me last week!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2005
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, , USA
Hi again!

Lil' Bit pictures have been emailed to my online friends. I've decidedto call her Cocoa-Puff. Everyone's cuckoo for Cocoa-Puffs. Isent the link to your website too so now everyone's been looking at thepictures of Brownie's babies and reading the updates.

I am glad you suggested keep the double rabbit carrier. I took both ofthe hoppers to the bar yesterday. It's a good idea to getHunny-Bunny used to riding in the car before we leave for vacation on7/17. Both of the rabbits need to get better acquainted butwithout any fur fights.

I refused to let anyone smoke around them. Certain customers weresimply not allowed to touch or hold either rabbit. Lil Bit never wastaken out of the carrier but she loved being petted. They both now knowwhy I smell like stale beer and cigarettes.

I told one customer to "F*&K OFF!" (and gave him the HappyBunny two finger
Drinkware- BOTTLE OPENERS - Fingers Up MAGNETIC BottleOpener[size=4FAMILY="SERIF" PT] salute) when he said, "I see you brought uslunch." The next time he brings his dog into the bar he'sgoing to get another earful.

Cocoa-Puff is wonderful about coming up to the cage door and letting uspet her. She is very lovable and cuddly. Whentransferred back she does kick but she's going to unlearn those habitsover time.

Baby-D learned to stiffen up her whole body especially the paralyzedlegs so I could get her back in the cage without banging a body part.Since the cage is much lower than the hutch that CP was in it will takeher some time to get used to the maneuver.
Maybe she'll be able to hop back in her cage by herself. We'll try that next.

I had a rescue dog that was beaten for barking. Any time a newspaperwas picked up just for us to read, the poor dog cowered in thecorner. It took months but we got him back to barking whensomeone came to the door (just like a dog should!)
We just barked ourselves until he got the hang of it.

I would like to stop and get two of those metal bowls that you hadattached to the cages or the gravity feeder bin for both of my rabbits.Where did you purchase the bowls? Did you say it was Big Rs on thepellet feed?

My last question is what time is she used to eating her greens? Theyhave their salad course between 9-10 PM because of my work schedule.

This is how to get to our place from yours. Your family might enjoy theairplane ride. I know Larry would love it since he gets a kick out oftaking people up for their first time. It's only a 2 seater Cessna 140.I call it the grasshopper.

Here is a picture of the plane and the recent field trip to our placeby the Reddick kindergarten class.
[color=#ff0080FAMILY="SERIF" PT]

I have a small pool and a spa, too. You might enjoysome time relaxing in the spa while everyone takes their turn in theplane.
[color=#ff0080 FAMILY="SERIF" PT]

It was a pleasure meeting you and your family. I hope yourealize that you are a guardian angel for all of the bunnies yourescue. You touch a lot of people lives in a millionwonderful ways.

Our 4th annual hog roast is August 20th at the RonDeVoo. Itis normally not a fundraiser but I will sell some 50/50 tickets to helpraise some money for your rescue operation. As word spreads about yourorganization, you're bound to get more donations and more rescues.

I will send you a copy of the hog roast flyer as soon as it'scompleted. We might not raise a lot of money butevery little bit helps when you are doing a non-profit on a shoestringbudget.

The company that does our pool tables, jukebox and video games is outof Cornell had no idea there was a rabbit rescue in Chenoa.The owner's wife has a cat and some very exotic birds. that travel toand from work with her.

I will also mail a few of the hog roast flyers out to some vets in thisarea. Please send names and addresses for any vets in particular thatyou'd like me to send a flyer too.

At the bottom of this email there's a great scrapbook page of mydaughter that you might enjoy seeing. Plus some pictures of my furkidsat the bottom of this email.

I am also sending a link to the
TheVirtual Pet Cemetery (pets, grief, loss, mourning, death, dying,dieing, rainbow bridge, dogs, cats, birds, animals,fish..[/color]
[size=4FAMILY="SERIF" PT] epitaphs for my buns that already crossed over tothe rainbow bridge. They are saving room in the bottom ofplot number 33 so they can be together.

Working on Baby's epitaph is going to be very difficult. Myvet had never heard of this website. If you don't alreadyknow about it and have never visited it have a box of Kleenex ready.


[color=#ff0080FAMILY="SERIF" PT]

Hunny-Bunny (my 2nd rescue)

Coco-Puff looks content

Baby-Doodle-Bug (our last picture together)

Her poor little stick legs. The tumor spread to her right hip so it was frozen in place.


Thats great!! The fund raising help is justawesome!! They are right, you are touching many lives with what you aredoing!! You should be very proud!
these are the kind of people we need more of toadopt rabbits! i know cocoa puff aka lit bit will be in thebest home ever!! its so amazing how awesome these guys areand they are wanting to help out so much! i was almost in tears withthis email as there arent a lot of folks out there like this!!
I'm still kicking around the thought of startinga small rescue myself....things have kinda been put on hold with allthe problems with Corky....hopefully once thats straightened out I canfigure out what I wanna do!

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