Wahhooo!! A levels are over. Uni here I come!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
Reaction score
London, UK
YAY! Today was my last day of A levels. Had two chemistry exams this morning, and that was it, after 10 science and maths exams!

I'm off on the first of September to Roehampton Uni in London for a Zoology degree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited

Who else is going to Uni this year???

Aaah, it's a long while since I finished my A Levels, but I do remember how relieved I felt!

Congratulations! Enjoy your summer! And your degree sounds exciting! Are you staying at home or is it far enough you have to move out?
I finished yesterday, woo hoo!:biggrin2:I'm supposed to be going to uni next year (Newcastle), although after my horrendous British empire and War lit papers I'm worried that I may not get the AAB that I need to meet my offer.:nerves1I'm trying not to think about it until August though!

Fine researchers in the making!

I hope you really savour your time this summer.. party hard, and enjoy every minute. Can't wait to hear about your first days of uni in the fall

Good stuff!
Hehe :D

Yeah I am moving out- I live in Wokingham, which is about 20 minutes from Reading. My Uni is in London, so I'm staying in halls. I am so excited. I need BBC for my course there so I'm sure I'll be alright.

I really don't want to leave my buns and my cat though. They are so dependent on me. Lily (my cat) sleeps every night in my bed with me, cuddled up (her fur does go up my nose lol), and Benji and Pippin are with me all the time.
My parents will be looking after them, and they really are fantastic with them. I'll just miss them so much.

It's going to be so weird without 6 dogs, 2 cats and 2 rabbits running round. I'll be so alone lol. I won't have my twin, or my parents, or my pets.

Guess I'll have to get used to it eventually anyway. And I am just so excited about my course!!!
Btw I put my location as London because I am near it, and noone has ever heard of Wokingham lol
jcottonl02 wrote:
Btw I put my location as London because I am near it, and noone has ever heard of Wokingham lol
I have! My nan used to live there! She had a bungalow right on the Reading Road! Made for sleepless nights whenever we stayed over with the 'mmmmmmmnoooowwwwwwn' of traffic all night (that's the closest traffic noise-word I could think of lol!) My uncle, aunty and 2 cousins still live there as well, not far from Morrisons I think it is now? Since my nan died I've only been back once or twice but we used to spend all our holidays there.

I bet you'll miss the buns and other animals too- I know I couldn't leave mine! But you're not going to be terribly far away so you can go back home to visit for cuddles etc! :)
YAY someone has heard of it!!! Speaking of which.....there is the most fabulous all you can eat chinese restuarant called the Dragon's Inn on the reading road, heading up towards showcase. GO THERE!! Lol.

Yeah I plan to come back at least once a week. I know I can't leave my parents for more than that lol, and that way I'll be able to see my darling buns and cats and dogs often. We are a really uber close family so I'll be back loads.

Thats the comfort I have, knowing I can see my buns often. I'm going to try my hardest to find a place in my second and third year which allows pets. I don't think I'll be able to find anywhere.....but I'll try.
If not...then I guess it's three years I won't be able to see my bunnies every day. It hurts me so much to think about it. But I hope they will be with me for a long time after that, so I can make up for lost time.

Oh dear....sniff sniff
pinksalamander wrote:

So far I've done nooothing, and its GREAT!

Manchester here I come!

Today was the first day in months when I woke up and actually had nothing I had to do. It's such a weird feeling! I just lay in bed on my laptop/facebook for a couple of hours (recovering from my weekend;)), then went to the gym, went horse riding, and thenspent the rest of the afternoon in the garden with the pets. I LOVE having no work to do!:biggrin2::biggrin2:
My parents keep saying to me 'Jenny don't you think you should be doing revision?' and it makes me laugh cos I think "oh yeah......WAIT!!!!" lol.

It's bizarre being able to relax knowing you don't have to do anything, and ur not wasting time when you could be revising.

Lol I got up at like....10.30, continued my knitting in bed, went down and spent an hour or so with the rabbits in the garden, and then went into town shopping! Came back, watched star trek for hours and ate dinner.

Was so relaxing!

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