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Bo B Bunny

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
, Indiana, USA
As much as I hate to add to the political bombardment........

if you are in the states that will be voting in their primaries today.......... GO VOTE

if you haven't registered..... GO REGISTER!

Educate yourself on the work the candidates have done. Don't accept all the politcal "stuff" cause it's not likely all will happen or work. Look at what they stand for and the history of their political careers..... beliefs and supports

THINK about what they are telling us and how that would work or not.......

ie:New fuel efficient cars? .... who's going to buy those for the ones who can't afford them? and when less gas is purchased, the price then increases even more so the giant oil companies still make their money.......

A short term fix isn't going to do much..... what can we do longterm to fix this?
Even in states without primaries today there may be something tovote on. Our state has school board and millage issues on the ballot fortoday.

So please make sure you VOTE!