Vicious Fighting Between Two Sister Bunnies

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New Member
May 8, 2011
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San Francisco, California, USA
Hello everyone

I have 2 Holland Lop Bunnies (each about a year old, maybe a bit older)
I adopted these two rabbits from a home that could no longer keep them and they have been with me since February. They have been best friends (they're sisters according to the person I adopted them from) and both are spayed (recently) females.

A few days ago my friend brought their bunny over to have a bunny "play date". Both of us being inexperienced rabbit owners, we didn't really think it through and it quickly turned disastrous as one of my bunnies started chasing my friends smaller bunny until we separated them. After this incident, the more dominant of my two rabbits began instigating fights between her and her sister. Now, they fight each other viciously and each of them have some nasty bites on their ears (and I have some bad ones on my hands too :( ). I have them separated on different levels of their cage so they can't get to each other.

My questions is: What do I do? I followed the advice of one person and put them in a carrier and drove them around for an hour to hopefully make them seek comfort in each other and rebond but that did not work. Nothing has changed in their environment other than the one night introduction of another rabbit that was later separated from them for the remainder of the night.

If I've left out any information, let me know and I can add it in.
Hi i'm no expert on this but if it was me and I couldn't be around to supervise them I would definitely separate them. I'd also make sure they could still see each other so they know the other hasn't deserted them.

Unfortunately I think it was because you brought the 3rd bunny into their home. Bunnies can be very Territorial.

Can you bring them to another area of your house/apartment to rebond them? ie bedroom, living room.

At one point Wilbur & Jackie unbonded. It took about 3 months to rebond them. The only place they were ok with each other was my bed. It was a pain in the but to have to have them in 2 cages but it had to be done until they were bonded again. Bunnies can really hurt each other fighting so you have to careful.

Good luck.


How long ago were they fixed? it can take up to 8 weeks for the hormones to die down - longer with my last male. I heard that they hold grudges too

best of luck
I agree with Susan, move them to another room in the house and try re-bonding there. Some people suggest placing a drop of vanilla on bunny noses to neutralize scent (they both smell the same, so less threatening).

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