Veterinary box

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Do you mean the box/carrier that you take therabbits to the vet in? If you do, I have a plastic, top opening, picnicbasket that I use for such visits. I keep a small, washable, mat in itfor comfort. On the way home, I give them a carrot to make them feelbetter.
dootsmom wrote:
Doyou mean the box/carrier that you take the rabbits to the vet in? Ifyou do, I have a plastic, top opening, picnic basket that I use forsuch visits. I keep a small, washable, mat in it for comfort. On theway home, I give them a carrot to make them feel better.
No aVeterinary box containing items for treating minor illnesses andinjurious etc
Bag Balm: For applying to sores, abrasions, and sore hocks

Bandages and sterile gauze: To bandaging wounds

Chamomile Tea or Rescue Remedy: Used to calm a stressed rabbit.

Disinfectant (Such as peroxide): For cleaning wounds

Disposable razor: To shave the fur around a wound

Electrolytes (Pedialyte is good):If your rabbit is not drinking or it has diarrhea, it will becomedehydrated and loose electrolytes.

Eye Dropper: For administeringmedicine. Make sure the cc amounts are marked on the eyedropper.

Flea Comb: For removing fleas and their eggs

Ice pack : For cooling a rabbit in case of stress or heatstroke

KY jelly (Or Vasoline): For lubrication with a thermometer

Mitacide: For treating ear mites

Neosporin: For applying to wounds

Oral Syringes: (No needles). Thisis used to force feed or liquid into the rabbit if it is not eating ordrinking.

Petromalt: Used to prevent and to treat hairballs

Q-Tips: For cleaning wounds and for removing scabs from ear mites

Quik Stop: For stopping the bleeding if a nail is cut too short.

Saline solution: To flush the eye if it is infected or has something in it

Scissors (Small, sharp): To clip fur away from wounds, etc.

Sterile Cotton Balls:

Syringes with needles: To giveantibiotic and other injections. (If you are not familiar withinjecting rabbits, leave this up to the vet.)

Thermometer (Animal or pediatricanal): For taking the temperature. The temperature should be from100 F to 102.5 F.

Towels of varying sizes: To wrap a stressed or struggling rabbit in

Tweezers: To remove ticks, burrs, foxtails, etc.

Great Amy:D. I also bring a jar ofbaby food (veggie flavor only) because if I am away at a show and therabbit stops eating, I force feed them the baby food. Workseverytime! Most of the time they will eat it on their own!:p

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