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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
, , United Kingdom
Ok, so I took them to the vet for the fisrt time today and surprise.... they are both females.

So now I need to think of another name. Furby is ok but I dont know if Elmo is ok for a girl.
sheridan wrote:
Ok, so I took them to the vet for the fisrt time today andsurprise.... they are both females.

So now I need to think of another name. Furby is ok but I dont know if Elmo is ok for a girl.
aww, someone got a visit from the gender fairy. hehehe

how about elma?
Elmas good but I dont think its as good as Elmo.Then again That was my favourite name so I dont know what will becuter!!:bigtears:
Elmo's still fine for a girl! Besides,gender fairy visits are so common with rabbits that I've heard of quitea few gender-bending names. For example, another member herehas a flemish named Nimue, after Merlin's wife. The bunnyturned out to be a boy, but they kept the girly name.:)
cool. Elmo it will stay. Thanks everyone. Ireally wanted to keep it as that. Now my problem is furby. SHE wouldcome to me and want stroked but since returning from the vet, she runsa mile!! I think it scared her!!!ANy hints to get me back on her goodside?

when we got Foster and Daphnie they weresupposed to be boys... Daphie was Adam at first... couldn't keep thatname for a girl.. but we kept Foster's name the same... she seemed tobe fine with it :)