New Member
Hi, I have a female Rex (Gypsy) who is now about a year and a half years old. Yesterday evening, at about 10, I noticed that Gypsy was laying flat under the bed and when I went near her she wouldn't move but just laid there (this is very unusual for her she usually will hop away) This morning it was the same thing except now her stomach is very extended, I can hear her grinding her teeth, and she lays flat with her feet out towards the side. She has done this all day. Her stomach is soft so I have tried massaging it and she will drink water from a syringe. I also noticed her ears are cold so I laid with her and wrapped her up in a blanket. Since this happened Saturday night and now on to Sunday my vet's office is closed and the emergency number in the area does not see rabbits. I'm reading all these horror stories about rabbits suddenly having this bloated stomach and then dying and I am very worried about Gypsy making it through the night. Does anyone have any advice as to what I can do or keep doing to make her feel better and make sure that she makes it until I can get in to the vet tomorrow morning?