I would sue that man and every person who had ahand in that!! Who does that vet think he is to do somethinglike that to those poor people? I once worked for a vet whonuetered a dog that was actually in there for the dew claws to beremoved. The man was so upset, the dog was not a purebred buthe was such a great dog that people wanted to have one of his puppiesand now that was no longer a option. Not sure what happenedexcept that he was not charged anything (DUH!), I think he may havebeen paid off somewhat for what they did. I know that they(the DR. and tech's) just did not look at the file. How canyou call yourself a Vet or a Vet Tech if you do not even do somethingas simple as look at a file BEFORE you cut a animal open? Andthe really sad thing is this Dr. has expanded in to 2 cities in thisarea. If anyone ever asks me for a vet, I tell them to go tomy current one who is great and not in it just for the money.