Vet accused of faking dog's death

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I would sue that man and every person who had ahand in that!! Who does that vet think he is to do somethinglike that to those poor people? I once worked for a vet whonuetered a dog that was actually in there for the dew claws to beremoved. The man was so upset, the dog was not a purebred buthe was such a great dog that people wanted to have one of his puppiesand now that was no longer a option. Not sure what happenedexcept that he was not charged anything (DUH!), I think he may havebeen paid off somewhat for what they did. I know that they(the DR. and tech's) just did not look at the file. How canyou call yourself a Vet or a Vet Tech if you do not even do somethingas simple as look at a file BEFORE you cut a animal open? Andthe really sad thing is this Dr. has expanded in to 2 cities in thisarea. If anyone ever asks me for a vet, I tell them to go tomy current one who is great and not in it just for the money.
That vet is SICK! He should have his lisence taken away. Now I'm going to spend the rest of the day angry.:X
That story made me so angry! Why would someone do something like that?:mad:
Wow that is horrible.. The poor dog sufferedlonger than it should have, cause they did that.. Since she had to beput down anyways, shows that the orginal owners made the right choice..Wrong in every way.

Some vets I don't trust. What a sick minded vetwould do that? Aren't you allowed to turn down putting a dog to sleepif you don't feel its necessary? Darn person just wanting the extracash!

There was a story awhile back when a vet was into this drug smugglingthing to the states (I'm in Canada) and the vet agreed to surgicallyput bags of some sort od drugs into the puppies! Glad they found themat the boarder.. I don't even want to think about what they'd do whenthey recieved the puppies! Sick world.. very sick world.. :(
Oh, that's horrible that someone would decide togo above an owner's decision and put the poor dear puppy through allthat!! How horrible that in that doggy's last days, itcouldn't even see it's loving owners and say goodbye, but had to beforced to live through so much pain and suffering.Wow...people can be so cruel and heartless. :mad:

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