When I lived near Chicago and took my buns toMidwest Exotic animal hospital I was constantly told that rabbits needunlimited timothy hay, fresh green veggies and a diet with a minimumamt of pellets. Now I am talking about pet rabbits not meat rabbits. Ispend a fortune feeding my 6 rabbits a variety of fresh greens daily inaddition to the other. My rabbits are fed large salads daily made up ofromaine, cilantro, parsley, kale, carrot tops, kohlrabi tops and smallamts of carrot. I vary these somewhat as I am concerned about the highcalcium content in things like kale and parsley. Today I hada rather lenghty conversation with one of the nutrition experts fromOxbow. She said that it is not necessary for me to feed the veggies ifI am feeding the correct hays and grasses (and their pellets). I gothrough a lot of work for my bunnies but I am more concernedthat I am doing the very best for them. I would appreciatefeedback.