Very best diet for a rabbit

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Nov 30, 2005
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When I lived near Chicago and took my buns toMidwest Exotic animal hospital I was constantly told that rabbits needunlimited timothy hay, fresh green veggies and a diet with a minimumamt of pellets. Now I am talking about pet rabbits not meat rabbits. Ispend a fortune feeding my 6 rabbits a variety of fresh greens daily inaddition to the other. My rabbits are fed large salads daily made up ofromaine, cilantro, parsley, kale, carrot tops, kohlrabi tops and smallamts of carrot. I vary these somewhat as I am concerned about the highcalcium content in things like kale and parsley. Today I hada rather lenghty conversation with one of the nutrition experts fromOxbow. She said that it is not necessary for me to feed the veggies ifI am feeding the correct hays and grasses (and their pellets). I gothrough a lot of work for my bunnies but I am more concernedthat I am doing the very best for them. I would appreciatefeedback.
While veggies are a wonderful idea and manyrabbits benefit from regular greens, they do not require large amounts.Fresh hay fed freely and pellets alloted according to weight as well asmaybe tw or three types of vegetables a day is a healthy, balanceddiet. It's not correct in assuming they need a ton of greens andneither is it correct in the assumption they should have none. Like anyanimal, moderation is the key. Use your discretion and information fromwebsites and people on the forum. I myself don't know the recommendedamout of pellets or vegetables per day off the top of my head but Ihave no doubt someone will reply with those numbers.
my bunnies only get greens twice a week,sometimes three. other days they get oats and pumpkin. everday they getpellets and unlimited hay.they all do quite well like this.
The reason why I began to question what I amdoing is the shelter bunnies I care for. They have hay and pellets andI bring them small amounts of greens several days per week and they allseem to do fine.
In the pet shop near me they dont feed theirrabbits and guineapigsany vegetables.Ithink its cruel as they have probually never eaten a vegetable in theirlives. They also dont feed enough fruit or vegetables to the parrotthey have there. :(

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