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Retired Moderator
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
The Bunny Zone, Elkhart , Indiana, USA
:rant: Pardon me while I vent. Verizoncustomer service is beyond terrible. Since August I have been trying to get them to repair my phone/dsl line to my house. Everytime it rains or snow melts I lose phone & dsl service, sometimes for days. It got so bad, I went to cell phones just so I could talk to the outside world.I started with their residential repair and whenI went to a dsl onlyline I now have to start reported the same problem to them.

Everytime I call I get the same questions, I have repeated to themwhat the residential repair crew has done and where they suspected the problem is.Their customer service is in some country half way around the world, staffed by people who speak english but with such a heavy accent that I have to ask them to repeat things. I am sure they are very competent individuals, but it is hard to talk to them about a problem in middle america when they are who knows where!

The person for Verizon dsl tests the line and at that point in time it may be up and working but will go down in a second or they will test the line whenit hasn't been raining and guess what the connection is good so they close the trouble ticket.

They are the only internet service providerI can get in my area and hence the who cares attitude. Another surprise, they have no number for a regional manager.

O.k. Iam done now.:)
Sorry to hear that. :( I use my local cable company for internet and cell phone is through sprint... and they are alright... every time i have an issue they fix it in a timely manner. But, i have heard through friends that they suck.

Oh well.... i do have to agree with you on the customer service across the world BS. When i use to have AOL i had to talk to one of them and he had promised me that he would end my service and he had lied to me! I still got billed afterwards and i called again and luckily that time i got someone in here in america and i got refunded more than what i was asking for.

Hope you get your stuff fixed soon!

P.S I currently work as customer service phone operator ... so,its always interesting to see both sides of the story. i can usually tell know when they are BS'ing me. Whether its another phone operator or the person calling in. Regardless, i always do my best to help the person unless they give me nothing to work with... which happens more often then you think.
We used to have Verizon DSL in New York, when I lived there. I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. I have been in your position and I even got a bit heated while reading your post because I remember all the times I had to call and complain to someone who couldn't speak english, basically took me as a joke!

Bluedimplett...I used to work in customer service, too...I know what you mean about people calling in, and not giving you anything you can work with. It can be VERY frustrating!

I also used to work in Collections...that's fun, too, haha!
Oh yes Verizon - such charming people. Years ago, big thunderstorm and huge locust limb falls on the telephone wire dragging it way dow, This wire runs the length of our rural road and is several miles long.

I call Verizon to let them know the phone line is really sagging so they can come remove the limb. I am told it is my responsibility to hire a tree trimmer to come cut and remove the limb from the line. WTF????I am told since it crosses my property I must maintain the entire line - which is miles long and crosses many properties.

I tell the Verizon dim bulb to heck with it. I refuse to pay a service to come out and maintain their line. She gets mad and says I must because so many people depend on the line. Keep in mind, this is not the line running into my house. I tell her if Verizon is too cheap to maintain the line, I could care less if 100 people lose service.

I had to call a township trustee, who called Verizon and read them the riot act. Within an hour of his call, 2 cherry pickers and Verizon crews came to remove the limb. The entire time, the Verizon employees were bad mouthing their employer and saying how cheap they are.

And wabbitdad, we had exactly the same problem with our line that you are having and Verizon could never manage to fix it. And they had the nerve to ask why I was terminating my landline with them.
I'm going to pm you.

I've been down that road and have a friend that helped me - he works for them.
If this is happening only when it rains, it's in the junction where your line attaches to the main line from your road.... like.... mine is on my pole and some of the houses around me are....... then our lines go down the road and meet at a junction. (Verizon has some old lines out there - you probably don't have newer phone lines....) and at that point the line had a break in some plug or something and when it rained and moisture got there - I would lose my phones and all.

maherwoman wrote:
Bluedimplett...I used to work in customer service, too...I know what you mean about people calling in, and not giving you anything you can work with.  It can be VERY frustrating!

I also used to work in Collections...that's fun, too, haha!

Collections??? Ew. I always tell my coworkers that i never could work for them... lol. I'm too nice and ill start crying if i had to tell someone to pay their bills. Luckily, the company i work for is a great company and most of our calls aren't too bad:)

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