Veggies for a little bunnies

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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
, , USA
So my bunny Ripley is now 5 1/2 months old. I haven't introduced veggies yet because he's showed signs of sensitive tummy,even without veggies.

Here's what I'm wondering:

When (what age) do you start your youngish bunnies on veggies
How many do you give to start them
And which veggies do you start with?
Also, would it be helpful when I start veggies to give something like bene-bac?

I tried a small piece of a piece of banana a couple weeks back, because banana is a binding kind of thing anyway, but the second day I tried giving it his tummy got upset.
Banana is WAY too sugary to start with. I can see why he'd get digestive upset.

Try a small piece (like 1 inch square) of romaine lettuce, leaf lettuce, or parsley instead. Cilantro is also good. Leafy greens first, then add in other veggies.

Many people recommend 6 months to start feeding veggies. I say anywhere between 3-6 months. I think it depends more on how many other changes there have been to their diet recently. Most baby rabbits, when they're brought home, are introduced to new hay and pellets off the bat, so adding new veggies into that mix is gonna cause some mayhem for sure.

Giving a bit of Bene-bac wouldn't hurt at all.

Hope that helps!

Scamp got his first when he was 3 weeks old, though I did start with dried. He was eating fresh without a couple of weeks though - started with grass, dandelion and blackberry leaves.

The 6 months only came about, because baby rabbits weren't getting greens at the breeder from birth, then were sol too young at pet shops, and the new owner immediately feed lettuce/carrots (cos that's what rabbits eat) and the stress plus sudden diet change = sick rabbit.

Where as if the mum and babies eat greens to start with it causes no problems and the babies are likely to have healthier digestive systems.

Ideally with a new baby you find out what they've eaten before, give them a week or so on that to settle in and then make changes to an appropriate diet (if their previous one wasn't). Small pieces of leafy veg and gradually build up the amount slowly.

Plenty of hay is really the key ingredient for not causing upsets. As you introduce greens you'll need to reduce pellets so your not over feeding.
Nikki was about three months old and had no problem with greens. You do need to watch the sugary stuff for sure and only give it in tiny amounts. Had to cut out kale, spinach, and all the other high calcium stuff because one had sludge problems and one came to us with a huge bladder stone.

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