Vegetable question

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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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London,, , United Kingdom
I have some left over courgette in my fridge andwondered if my two buns could have some? Also, I've heard that spinachshould be fed sparingly, is once a week okay?
I'm not sure what courgette is (maybe we don'thave it in the US or it goes by a different name), but spinach once aweek should be fine:)
It's Zucchini, and I don't find it on the listfrom the House Rabbit Societ listing. So, I don't know if it's ok ornot. I wouldn't.
Hi there Queenadreena :)i have 2 rabbits and iallways give my rabbits courgettes when i have them and i have neverhad a problem . so it is ok for u 2 give it 2 thembut like all veg dont give them 2 much. I hope this has helped u:bunnydance:

Thanks alot. I'm going on the 'vegetableshopping trip' tommorow, so I'll add some to the list. I'll be sure toonly give them teeny amounts, just in case it disagree's with one oftheir stomachs.