Vaseline misshap!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2004
Reaction score
St Catharines , Ontario, Canada
I've got a big problem, my daughter decided tosmear vaseline all over herself then on Cinabun's fur, how would I getthat out of her fur ?? any ideas? its awful greasy, and I don't thinkits good for her to eat or clean it off herself!!

Other than lubing her out real good ;), I don'tknow that Vaseline is immediately dangerous. It's basically what themain ingredient is in cat hairball treatments, which are safefor rabbits. I'm sorry, wish I had some suggestions for cleaning.
Didnt someone here little boy smear Vaseline allover himself. We can't be giving Tyler anyidea's. I hope you get that out of the bunny with no badeffects.

Oh Yuck!!! I hate vaseline!!:p Oh, I feel so bad for you.

I agree that it is the main ingredient in hairball treatments, and somepeople recommend just putting a little on their paws to be licked offinstead of using the hairball treatments because they havealot of sugar, but I can't bring myself to give them justvaseline (I won't even put it on my lips LOL).

I would worry about it causing a loose stool, so I would try a bunnybath...I know they should be avoided, but in this case, I think anexception could be made.

Oh Luna,

I do not envy you!!! I've had many vaseline incidences, but never onany of the animals.... I always just throw everything in the washingmachine, I don't think that's going to work this time ;)

That's so sweet that she was trying to do something for the bunny! Wehave two foster kitties in our bathroom right now and my kids areALWAYS sneaking in there to "take care" of them, it's driving me nuts!LOL

I think just use a warm washcloth to get as much as you can, but I wouldn't worry too much.

Take care!

Every remedy I can find for this just indicates to use liquid soap and warm water.

I wonder if white vinegar would act as a degreaser in any way?? Or maybe lemon juice??

:~) Jim
Bo B Bunny wrote:
DAWN! that stuff takes grease off anything!

"DAWN" rocks!

I used to use it to clean my hands after working on the car!! I use itfor washing my cars, too. Cuts right through the road grime.

I wonder if it would strip the natural oils from the bun's fur and skin, though???
I don't know. It is great stuff! I swear by it LOL! (it's like the soap version of woodypet! :p)

Maybe if she used just a tiny amount on the worst areas?

Is the bunny COMPLETELY covered? or just it's back ?
I just did a little more research and there are several natural degreasers that are citrus-based (orange).

Makes me think that lemon juice might work, too.

How about OxiClean??
well i've tried to clean her up with a wash clothand a bit of dish soap,that didn't work !:(:Dso Ihad to give her a bath that seemed to work because her fur is alot lessgreasy now:p
JimD wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
DAWN! thatstuff takes grease off anything!
"DAWN" rocks!
I use "Dawn" on everything!! I use it to clean all my critterdishes and even my cages. Let me tell you, if it gets ferretpoop off, it will clean anything, that poop has stayingpower!!! My brother swears it's the secret ingredient in"Super Glue". LOL


cirrustwi wrote:
JimD wrote:
Bo BBunny wrote:
DAWN! that stuff takes grease offanything!
"DAWN" rocks!
I use "Dawn" on everything!! I use it to clean all my critterdishes and even my cages. Let me tell you, if it getsferret poop off, it will clean anything, that poop has stayingpower!!! My brother swears it's the secret ingredient in"Super Glue". LOL

LMAO! That's great! :p
You should maybe go buybunny shampoo. Or at least an instant shampoo. I used it beforebecauseI thought it was okay to wash bunnies but I stopped. Ireally liked it thoughNepo came out fresh lol :)

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