I don't think I can post the ad, can I justoffer to forward the info ? it was on craigslist... don't know whatsappropriate. just let me know if you can't find the ad, I canPM you the link.
I know its hard not to just horde them even though I know I don't needthem lol so best if I put it out there for someone who needs em beforeI do something...lol
hope someone natches em up! I thought it was a good deal, and you could barter too, their open to offers!
I wish I had just gone ahead and emailed himmyself just to get my hands on them for someone, but I guess I was justtrying to refrain from adding them to my collection. Next time I willjust go after them and then I can at least pass them on!
That's too bad. I, myself, just got about 25 ofthem off a lady for a mere $5. It's not like I need them for anythingright now, but I stock up. Sometimes I usethemtobuild exercise pens for my dogs..