Valuran's in getting his snip snip

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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2004
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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
So we're getting Valuran snippy snipped today,and none too soon. He was too cute at the vet, and everyone was ooohingand awwwing over him. :D Yes, I'm a proud Mommy. They all loved hiscoat and his coloring and my story as to how we ended up with a thirdrabbit.

During the exam my boy kept on crawling up on me wanting to be held.I'm starting to think that it's almost a good thing bringing them in,because they all end up in my arms for protection and it really bondsme and the rabbits. Especially Abby. After that whole ordeal, she is inlove with me, running over to give kisses and sitting still so I canpet her (she only can deal with that for so long before she has to lickme for about 10 minutes, no exaggeration.)

Anyway, the vet told me he usually likes getting first time bunnyowners in, so he can tell them all there is to do, but that I'm a"rabbit expert" and he doesn't need to cover any territory with me.They all think that we're "responsible rabbit owners" and it's obviousthat we're animal lovers and take good care of our pets. :D That justfelt very good having professionals say this to me.
What a wonderful compliment for a concerned mom,and you brought up a very good point about the bonding thathappens when you go to the vet with them!

Best wishes for Valuran....hope its a speedy recovery and he is smotherin you with kisses in no time flat :)

I hope so. I'm not too worried about his recovery, after what we went through with Abby. Nothing can top that!

When I had Chompers done, I had no problems and was soooo glad I did it.
Let us know when he's out of surgery.
Saying a prayer for our little mon.

That's so sweet how everyone instantly fell in love with him - hard notto do, how all your charges ran into your arms for protection while atthe vets, and the nice things that the vet said to you about yourknowledge. Don't underestimate yourself, you do know a lot aboutrabbits now.

We're glad youfound us too! We like you! You are gonna love that boy even more afterhe's snipped! :p

Valuran flew through his surgury with flyingcolors, is eating fine and resting comfortably. He's even enjoyingbeing pet, and I know he can't be feeling too bad because he pushed ourhand away when we were petting his chin (he sometimes doesn't likethat). Mostly he hunkered down with his eyes closed, with that bunnysmile on his face. I think he liked the full popcorn stick we gavehim...they don't get those often and never a full one alone. Figured hedeserved it today.

Abby and Chompers kept on going on top of the cage of course. Can'tleave well enough alone. Oh yeah, they also made sure to poop allaround the cage too, naturally. I think they just wanted to sleep onthe Smurf blanket, freshly washed today.
So Valuran is doing fine this morning. So goodthat we have to keep him locked up. What did he do upon letting him outof the cage? Hump Abby! As we all know, that's not the best post-opprocedure for a healing bun bun.

Poor guy. He really is bored and miserable in the spare cage. Can'teven stand up on his hind legs all the way. I feel bad, but it is forhis own good.

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