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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Hutto, Texas, USA
Well, we are leaving for Flordia in 2 days. Weare going to Disney World for a week. I am really worried about leavingthe bunnys and dogs and cats and fishes and frogs. I can't stopthinking that the babies are going to grow with out me!! We will bethere for a whole week.

Then when we come back on the 2nd of June, we leave for my dads. Wewill be leaving to Arizona on the 10th of June and not coming backintill the 27th of July. These babies will be completly grown up when Iget back!! No fair, I will so miss everything!! But I cant really waitsince I wan't to see my baby sister who lives in Gilbert.

I have someone taking care of the animals while we are gone to Flordia.My friend Brenna owns 3 rabbits and is willing to take care of theanimals while we are away. Then my mom will take care of the animalswhen we leave for Arizona.
I am jealous! Disney World!!It is supposed to be GREAT this summer! Get your buns alittle stuffed Thumper doll ;)
Kricket wrote:
Iam jealous! Disney World!! It is supposed to beGREAT this summer! Get your buns a little stuffed Thumperdoll ;)
Definitely!! It will go perfectly with my stuffed animalcollection I have of rabbits, dogs, horses, and cats.
Have a great trip!! I was suppose tobe in LA right now and Hawaii last week, but a bunch of things happenedto change my plans. I'm very jealous.

Make sure you leave strict instructions about the care of the babies.


Instructions to taking care of babies;

Hold each one about 5 minutes. Check their eyes and nose. Make surenone are hurt. Eyes should open between the 27th and the 31st. If notopen on the 31st gently pry open with a warm wash cloth. They couldhave infection.

Anything else I should add? I didn't think there was that much aboutthis time. She will only watch them intill the 2nd. We also left herthe vet's number and an emergency vet #.

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