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Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2004
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Jason and I are talking about possibly going onvacation for a week next year, maybe as soon as February. Atfirst I was all excited about it and now I'm almost crying. Idon't want to leave Pristine and Iszy alone for an entireweek. I can get someone to take care of them but I think itwould be wrong for me to leave them for that long bythemselves. What do I do?
Hi Lissa,

Just find someone that you trust. Remember you can leave detailedinstructions and call to check on them every day! It's not wrong,people do it all of the time. Leave some money on the table foremergencies etc.

Edit: I have to factor pet sitting money in to vacation budget these days...
I can find people to trust feeding them, etc. But the part that is bothering me is leaving them all alone.

We're looking at Cancun so we wouldn't be able to take them with. :(
They'll be okay, Lissa. A bit lonely perhaps, but they'll get over it. :)

The other option is to send me the money and tickets. I wouldsacrifice and take My Man with me just so that you wouldn't have thishanging over your head.

No need to thank me.

The only way this would work is if Jason or Istayed back while the other went on vacation. I don't seethat happening.

Okay. I'm not leaving. I don't even want to think about it anymore.
Lissa wrote:
Theonly way this would work is if Jason or I stayed back while the otherwent on vacation. I don't see that happening.

Forget it!

Go on the vacation and enjoy yourselves!

The babies will be okay.

:( It's hard to think about leaving them isn't it?

Can the person who is feeding the babes also hang out with them for a bit? Give them some cuddle time every day?

I have a hard time just leaving them in themorning for work, and then leaving them again at lunch time.These bunnies are my babies. They practically fell from mywomb. (Sorry for the visual.) They're my kids, andI can't leave them. Ishouldn't have let myselfgetexcited about this.
Believe me, Lissa. I understand more than you realize.

Lissa, I envy you. I would so go on thattrip. The bunnies will be fine. I can't even take vacations. I have 3special needs bunns and any where I go they go. I say go on the triphave an awesome time and bring Iszy and Pristine something home.

I'll talk about this with Jason when I get hometonight. I don't know if he would be opposed to separatevacations. We'll see. That way, I'd feel betterabout the whole ordeal and wouldn't be paying all that money to worry24/7.
totally weird you brought this up Lissa cause ihad a dream last night that i was leaving my bunnies in someone else'scare. i spent the whole dream FREAKING OUT. i'm right there with you. iwill be going to police college and it's 12 weeks mon-fri sleepover. iam dreading leaving my bunnies. but it has to be done.

i don't know what to tell you, except that i understand,


I know exactly how you arefeeling. I am totally freaking out about leaving on vacationfor nine days next week. The boy across the street (whohappens to own a rabbit) is very responsible and will come over twice aday, but it's not the same as having mommy home. Plus I willbe on a sailboat - no phone, no computer, no way to contactme. I know I'll be thinking about them constantly.
Lissa, last September I had to leave town in ahurry as a family member was dying...I had barely enough time toorganize a plane ticket, time off work, etc. And the day before theflight I was absolutely worried sick about my pets. (At the time I had2 cats, a dog, and 2 rabbits...oh, and fish.)

But things did work out...I found a woman (through my son, it was afriend of his) who loved animals...she took care of all of the petsexcept for my dog; I had to board her. I didn't even know how long Iwould be gone when I made all the arrangements; but as it turned outwas gone for two weeks. I gave the woman all information I could vet's number, the number where I would be staying, the kennel'snumber, my work, etc. I left money in case of an emergency and madesure she understood what to watch for with the bunnies (though as itturned out, she did know quite a bit about rabbits).

When I came back home everyone was perfectly fine. The rabbits werehappy to see me (as were all the others), no one was out of sorts orterribly upset. My suggestion to you would be to find someone you feelabsolutely comfortable with, and then go on your vacation. Your bunnieswould love for you to have fun...I'm sure they wouldn't want you tostart forfeiting parts of your life for their sake. Animals are veryunderstanding, even when you have to go away at times. When you returnthey will look at you as if to say, 'Hey, you're back! Woohoo! Mom'shome!' I felt for sure that when I returned, the rabbits would bedesolate and inconsolable, and that my dog would never speak to meagain (esp. having to put her in a kennel...she used to suffer fromseparation anxiety and cages freaked her out). But you know, my dog wasso happy to see me that there was no angst...and the rabbits were bothhappy as well. No one was languishing while I was gone.

If you can find someone who will be willing to give your bunnies lotsof love and cuddles while you are away, they will be perfectly allright, I'm sure. You could call every day if you felt youneeded to, just to check in and see how things were going. But if youhave the opportunity to go away on a vacation, then go...and don't packguilt in your suitcase. Your rabbits know you love them, and they willbe okay.

Thank you Bassetluv. I too had to takean emergency trip last year to Florida when my father-in-lawdied. Unlike that situation, this time I get to decidewhether or not I want to go. I guess it's not so much thatthe bunnies will miss me, but that I will constantly miss them andworry to the point that the vacation isn't enjoyable. When Iwas in Florida I was a basketcase. In fact, I phoned theperson who was caring for Lenci and Iszy nearly everyday practically intears. I just don't know if I can handle that much time awayfrom them.
For a week I would board them at thevets. If there would be a problem they could handle it betterthan someone feeding them for you.

Lissa wrote:
I guess it's not so much that the bunnies willmiss me, but that I will constantly miss them
Lissa, I think this is exactly right. Pristine and Iszy will miss youin a way - they know their mom and dad aren't spoiling them as much asusual - but they will cope. I felt so guilty the first time I leftPernod and Perry, even though I knew they were in capable hands. Butthey carried on as normal, and I doubt whether they even realised I hadgone, though I did get the Butt when I got them back. I would say gofor it, anjoy your week, and smother them with kisses whenyou get home :)

Lissa you will regret it if you don't take sometime off alone with your hubby. They will be fine. I did not want toleave my dog at all for 2 weeks even though my parents were the onesthat took care of him. He was fine and all just thrilled to see mehome. Lissa they will be fine just take this trip. Enjoy and calleveryday just to make sure they are fine.:hug:

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