Uterine Cancer ... Worried and Need some Advice

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Dec 23, 2011
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New York, New York, USA
Pepper is a Netherland Dwarf and she is 5 years old. We did not spay her and it was such a stupid error on our part that we are all crying over now. She was gifted to us and was purchased from a Pet store and we were just given so much misinformation and were just not aware of the risks of this cancer. We should've done the research on our own and had her spayed.

So 2 days ago, we started noticing vaginal bleeding in her litter box with some clots. We knew this was abnormal right away and doing some research online, that is when we found out about Uterine Cancer. We made an immediate appointment with the Rabbit specializing Vet and took her in and they had told us her temp was low but they could not feel any nodules on exam but they wanted to spay her. There was no objection to any of their recommendation and we didn't care about cost either.

So they did the surgery the same night and we got the call stating that she had 2 nodules in her uterus and they appear to look cancerous and suggested we send out for biopsy. Again we did not object. She also had some blood loss during the procedure but they said they were able to manage it and the surgery went well. So that where we are right now. We are waiting for the biopsy reports.

Pepper has been out of the house for 2 days at the Vet, we visited her yesterday and she seemed that she was scared and was shaking in the cage there. She's been very sheltered in the house and is not use to new surroundings. They informed us that she is still not eating and they are syringe feeding her and her temp is still low but they aren't too concerned.

Now I've been reading online with how stupid we are by not doing this earlier as now I feel terribly responsible for possibly compromising her life span. We asked our vet and she said that after doing an Chest Xray they didn't see any Metastasis but that doesn't mean it can't happen. This is what I'm so worried about now.

I've been on google trying to look for stats on disease spread and accurate information is rare on this issue. Our vet is just giving us a guarded prognosis and I don't blame her. I just hope it didn't spread! Anyone here have some information on what you think her chances are? I'd really appreciate it.
Stop beating yourselves up to begin with. We all make mistakes and in the wild she would not have been neutered. Cancer is an uncertain disease. Sometimes it spread, sometimes you get lucky. ALL you can really do at this point is love her and look after her for the time that she has left, whether it be years, months or days. Sorry. I really am. I have lost 2 rabbits to cancer, both whom were neutered. Both males, but one got breast cancer and the other had a huge growth in his intestines, who knows where it started. Neutering certainly slows down the incidence of cancer, but it does not stop it completely. If she appears in pain in the future you will have to make the decision that is best for her. Sorry, I wish I could give you a better prognosis, but there is not definite way of knowing one way or the other. I think that is what your vet is saying, he just doesn't know, anymore than a doctor if she was a human. Benjamin and I will pray for you and her. Let us know how she is doing. People of here are great.
You didn't put off going to the vet when you saw the blood, so don't beat yourself up any more. As others have said, nothing is 100% in life. If you'd have had her spayed back when you got her, she could have been one of the rare ones that didn't make it through the surgery & you'd have beaten yourself up over that as well.
Thanks guys. I really am beating myself up over it. Well we just picked her up today. Biopsy report isn't back yet but my Vet in her opinion gave her a good prognosis. Pepper wasnt eating at the vet properly but just as I suspected after we brought her home and she got to see her familiar surroundings her fear and shakes began to subside and she started to eat again!! She looks more relaxed but still a bit reserved.

She still isn't her active self yet. She seems very melo but she was roaming around. I suspect it's just from the surgery and she hasn't fully recovered yet. We were advised that after she was spayed her personality would change. Before the surgery if I placed my hand next to her she would immediately nudge it trying to get me to pet her ... was the cutest thing. Now she doesn't seem to care at all. Is this all normal?
You need to give it longer; she's still healing. And maybe "teenage" rabbits could have a change in personality, but a 5-yr-old would be past that anyway, almost always. And usually the changes are for the good: being less territorial etc.
You can't blame yourself- you love her and want to keep her safe. You didn't know something, and unfortunately it has affected her, but you have done TOTALLY the right thing and I send all my luck to her to get better.

As for the personality change, generally spaying/neutering will have positive impacts on the personality, not negative. It is more likely to reduce territorial behaviours or moody actions lol and make them maybe more relaxed, but this is not always the case. Pippin didn't change one bit when I had him neutered. Benji was already neutered before I got him so I don't know.

All our dogs have remained exactly the same- I was REALLY worried about our nicest dog, who basically I have to hold his mouth shut to stop him licking me for literally half an hour, he's that sweet natured. I wondered whether or not to neuter him JUST in case it changed his wonderful temperment, but it didn't at all :)

Good luck with Pepper- I'm hoping for good news on the biopsy! Thank god you caught it early enough too and whizzed her to the vets so quickly.

She might be a bit off for a few days after the surgery but just make sure she's comfortable with nice food and lots of love and I'm sure she'll return right back to her normal self :)

She is probably still in pain. Did the vet give her anything. Female neutering is a lot more extensive than male, takes a while to get appetite back. She should be kept quiet for at least a week. The shaking might be pain, not fear. Pain is normal, so don't think otherwise. Glad she got a positive prognosis. Give her lots of quiet pets and loving, she will come around.
Yeah she's doing well now. The vet gave us Metacam via syringe feed. They showed us how to give it to her and she made it seem so easy. When I do it, it literally takes me 15 mts to get that medicine in her.Haha.

Had to give her one of the doses early cuz I started hearing her grind her teeth. Knew she was in pain and called her doc to make sure it was ok and went ahead. She calmed down after. I just hate having her kick her hind legs during the medication administration cuz it must be painful.

We really appreciate the responses and care!! I'll have to try and post a pic. Just glad to have her back for x-mas.

Merry Chistmas All!!!
I hope she feels better soon and that she can fully recover!! :pray:

It's hard to be a bunny parent, there isn't much informationout there, and when we buy/get a bunny nobody tells us exactly what needs to be done. You've been doing your best!
I don't know if you're allowed to (you gotta be) visit your bun-bun at the hospital/clinic.. the contact with someone who she loves is essential, esp. if she's afraid of the place and in a situation she might feel pain.
Try to talk the vet into letting you see/visit/spend time with her, I'm sure they'll let you!
Some places wanted to have my bunny examined for 3 days when he had dental issues.. I only gave my bunny to a vet whose procedure was letting him come back home right away - but obviously different procedures require different things.. if Pepper has to stay, she has to stay.. but I'd guess some visits wouldn't hurt anyone, would only make her happier!!

Good luck!!
I went through the same guilt and pain of losing an un-altered bunny. It's not your fault. What matters now id that you're caring enough to help her through this.
Did the vet give you honey metacam? I found it was easier to give than unflavoured. I hope it helps her pain management. MY vet gave me something after my bunny Akina's tooth was extracted but I cannot for the life of me think what it was and the invoice for it is at home in NL (I'm in NS).
Sending good vibes your way :)
Acacia-Berry wrote:
Did the vet give you honey metacam? I found it was easier to give than unflavoured. I hope it helps her pain management.
The vet gave me honey flavored for my bunny. At first she wasn't thrilled with the idea but after a bit, she was BEGGING for the stuff. :biggrin2: I think maybe she got a bit addicted to it...but it helped her and it made things easier for me to give it to her.

I'm praying for her-I lost my first bunny who wasn't fixed. The vet told me her tummy felt a bit big, but we didn't get the xrays done. I worried for so long after losing her that maybe something was going on and that was what had compromised her to get sick. But ultimately, you've done the best you can. Now its time to pray for a full speedy recovery. :pray:
Alright guys... First off Happy New Year!! I just wanted to give you all an update and share the results of the Biopsy report.

They said that the cancer was caught in its early stages and it had not penetrated through the Basement Membrane meaning it had no chance to seed anywhere else. Basically no mets. The biopsy was viewed by 2 pathologists and one of them being the best according to our Bunny Specialist and he indicated that the entire tumor was removed with her Uterus and so nothing to really worry!!

We were ecstatic and wanted to share the news here with all of you... and thank all of you for your support and prayers. I've attaced a pic below so you guys can see her.

So glad that everything went so well, and HUGE kudos to you guys for taking her to the vet the instant you thought something was wrong. She's a super cutie and is lucky to have you :)
She is so cute! :inlove:

That is wonderful that she is going to be ok! It's great that you got her in right away before it could get bad.

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