Urine Stains on my bunnies!!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2005
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I walked into my bunny room and saw that 2 of mybucks had a peeing competition last night!! They sprayed pee all overeach other (They are in different cages) and now, have urine stains!!!

How do i remove them??

They are both brokensbut they look like yellow bunnies to me now...

Would appreciate any suggestions...


BTW, they are HLs...is there any special care required for their ears?

I would be very careful about washing them,rabbits do not like it and it can kill them. Maybe just very breiflysponge them a little and let them clean themselves, even thismiuch intrusion into their comfort zone will not be appreciated . Maybea splash board between cages in future, or failing that some of theoperations that I worked at could use them as executives as they spentall day in peeing contests.
or failing that some of the operations that Iworked at could use them as executives as they spent all day in peeingcontests.************

thanks that made my morning :laugh:

I have a Standard Rex Doe doingthe same thing , sheis a brokenRed ( I think ) she is peeingall over her bottom for someodd reason . I am curious as to howto clean her up also , I have tried usingthe Bunny wipes to clean it off to noavail , Being a Rex Idont want to get her over wet in thishumidity here , I dont wantMold to set up underher furr and createmore peoblems .
Lemon juice mixed with baking soda applied to the stains may work. Let it dry, then brush it out.

There are also grooming products for dogs/cats that you can find at thepet story to help remove stains. A couple applications ofspray-on "dry shampoos" that don't require a rinse often work well.

If they are really bad, I wash them with dawn dish soap in a warmbath. Be sure to completely dry the rabbit. Do becareful not to stress the rabbit by bathing. Some don't mind-- others hate it. We had a little Netherland Dwarf who lovedbaths :)

Hmm...i don't intend to bathe them, just wanted to see if you guys had any special way to get rid of stains..

Will try the baking soda! Thanks!
I have a white Flemish that is young and hasn'tlearned all her litter habits, the first few days she was here she somehow got pee up by her eye and on her ear! I know it wasn't from anyoneelse as she was clear across the room. I found some of thatstuff Pam was talking about, its Quick and Clean Instant Shampoo bySuper Pet. Its in a spray bottle, I put it on her and rubbeda bit with a towel to help clean and dry...then brushed it out...itactually seems to have worked real well! Good luck!
We have used baby wipes with good results.

We have also used Dawn dishsoap and warm water to spot clean.

Last time Binkie got stained we gave her a "puddle bath". We put aninch or so of luke warm soapy water in a plastic tub and justwashed her feet and tushie. You just have to make sure that you getthem good and dry afterwards.

You can use a 50/50 solution of white vinegar and water. Dampen thestained area, rub in cornstarch, let it dry and brush it off.

A 50/50 solution of peroxide and water and also be used. Just be sure to rinse very throughly.

I heard somewhere that toothpaste works, too. Never tried it, though.

Thanks! So far i managed to get most of it off...just left with the stubborn stains....:(

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