Urine spraying all over the house ~ yuck!

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Oct 25, 2004
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We have a 4-5 month old (I'm assuming a dwarfRex, tho it hasn't been confirmed) who has recently started sprayingurine all over the house, claiming his territory I suppose.The down side is, my entire house is carpeted and he's too little totake outside even on a leash, he darts all over so much he's hard tocontain.

My question is...how long do they do this and will having him neutered stop him from doing this?
Welcome to the forum MiBunny. It sounds like youhave a "teenager" on your hands just like a lot of us. This issomething many of our members are going through right now. One person'sbun Bub shows his affection for her by spraying her:shock:Neutering will help calm down the hormones that makethem want to be territorial but your bunny needs to be a bit older forthat. Until then I would suggest keeping him confined in a non-carpetedarea. A whole month of bunny spray and your carpets would be ruined:shock:Good luck with your little guy!

Fergi's mom
I really have no advice to give, but just wantedto welcome you to the board. I have a bunny right now that Iam having a hard time with too, not spraying but bitting, good thing Iam a patient person and good thing my blossom is so darnadorable!!! Tracy

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