Urine have white spots

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Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2017
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Today when I walked out and took care of my french lop doe. She had urinated on the floor in her hutch. It was yellow and had white tiny spots, the tiny white spots I have never seen before.

She have also started to breath heavier and you can hear her breath sometimes. But she have always been a snorer, since I got her.

She’s sleeping a lot but’s she will turn 6 years old in May so that might be because of how old she is.
Sounds like calcium deposits. What type of hay and pellets is she on? Timothy or Alfalfa-based pellets? What kind of veggies does she get if any?
Sounds like calcium deposits. What type of hay and pellets is she on? Timothy or Alfalfa-based pellets? What kind of veggies does she get if any?

She gets cuni complete (versele laga) pellets and the hay it’s a mix but the main compartments are timothy hay, but have no alfalfa hay.

Veggies: I give her arugula, salad mix which you can buy and kale sometimes and she get 1 carrot during the week depending on how big it is. She have a really sensitive stomach so she can’t eat veggies so often.

During the summer she gets daily apple or hassle branches with leafs on.
Kale is extremely high in calcium so I would stop feeding that and Arugula is also high in calcium. The cuni complete sounds like an ok pellet but the adult complete shouldn't have carrots in it, they are high in sugar. If you don't already feed it I would switch to the cuni sensitive if excluding the kale and arugula doesn't clear it up
I’m going to try beaphar nature pellets for my rabbits.

Thanks for the tips ^^

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