urin odor

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Apr 22, 2007
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i am having trouble getting my bunners potty trained and she is an hose rabbit. i have tried putting a litter box in her cage were she likes to potty and one in my living room in the area she likes to spend time in. the problem is she likes to potty on my couch and love seat. so now my furniture smells very bad i was hoping some one my have an idea how to get the smell out of my furniture.


I clean up pee stains with a vinegar water mix,about 50/50. Using a spray bottle you can saturate the stain and soak it up with a paper towel.

It also helps to wipe up any pee puddles, put the dirty tissue in the litter box, then clean the pee stain with the vinegar water.

How old is your bunny and is s/he spayed/neutered?

she is a year and a half and she is not spayed.

we have tried vinegar, baking powder, carpet cleaner, fantastic, dish washing detergent, laundry detergent, a steam cleaner, and just recently we read an article about Listerine mouth wash and tried that,the Listerine just made the smell come out more. before it was only if you laid down on the furniture now you can smell it when you walk in the room.
I would have to recommend getting your bunny spayed. My bunny isn't fixed and she will pee on things for no good reason. I am saving up for a spay from a highly recommended vet in my area. In the meantime I went to walmart and got some Urine Gone. All you do is spray it on, after you clean up the puddle, of course. It works great, and I even gotsome for my sister, who has cats.She says it works great too.

I agree with getting her spayed..it will most likely resolve a lot of these issues and also be decrease possibility of health problems for her in the future.

Did you ever use Nature's miracle. It is very expensive and must be used in liberal quantities but has worked for most of my pet stains and odor on furniture and rugs.

It is important to not let your rabbits in it when it is wet but after everything is dry it should be safe.
I spray mycouches withFebreze and thencover them with a layer or twoof oldtowels and a blanket (which hopefully somewhat matches the room).

Onecouchin particular is disputed territory -- it's right beside Sekura and Sugar's pen so when they get run time, it's the first place they go (they'll spend most of their time there).That makes Dill and Sherry very angry, so they jump up and 'mark' it. Then Sugar and Sekura mark it... and it's a vicious circle.

Pipp evengets territorial if it's a cat invading her perceived space. (She used to like the couch, too, and she'd mark a circle around the cats on it).

And Pippwhenshe hit puberty startedpooping and peeing up a storm on my bed. Initially solved that one by moving her litter box up there.She got used to going in it again, then I moved it back on the floor,she kept going in it. (Then I got her spayed and didn't have a problem after that -- until I got new bunnies and we went through a few weeks where they all had to mark their respective sides of the doorway).

Good luck!

sas :)

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