URGENT Snuffles Question!

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Apr 18, 2019
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Hi Guys,

Me and my gf just brought home our first bunny, a female pure Flemish, on Sunday! She was born Dec 23rd, so about 4 months now.

First off, we are totally in love... She is an ANGEL, has been pretty much perfect with her litter box even when free roaming, totally comfortable eating off our laps from the first night... Will flop in front of us etc.

She is a super happy bunny, and eats like a horse. Active and friendly!

Now the hard part... I'm facing the realization that she might have the snuffles.

So... When we went to the breeder we met the rest of her litter, and her mom and dad. She had a lot of bunnies, they all seemed extremely healthy and happy. There was no sneezing, I would of remembered it for sure as I was on the look out for any health warning signs.

Upon getting her home, I set up her cage with a lot of hay for bedding. I bought this hay off the breeder in bulk, this is my first rabbit and I trusted her for it to be good... It's definitely Timothy hay and smells right, but I think it has been making her sneeze. She didn't sneeze once on the ride home, then once in the cage started sneezing regularly and vigorously. I called the breeder, she said to take the hay out and only give her enough to eat so she always has access but there's not an excess in the cage.

I did that, and the sneezing definitely has gotten way better, she was having literal fits yesterday... Still, there IS some mucus around her nose. It seems to be mostly clear but there ARE a couple of lightly white "boogers" much like you would see on a human nose. Her eyes are not runny and her paws are not matted, there are no other signs.

I called a local vet that specializes in rabbits, really close and the best option, but the earliest she can see Eve is on Monday morning... IF she has snuffles, should I be looking for a vet to see her sooner? I don't want to go to a vet that doesn't specialize in rabbits unless necessary, but if snuffles are as scary as I've read them to be I don't know if I have time to wait the weekend?

She is not having fits like she was anymore, I really DO think it's the hay but the mucus has me concerned... She is a black bunny so I think the colour of the mucus looks whiter than it is, is whitish mucus ALWAYS an infection?

Do I need to be rushing her to an emergency vet ASAP?

A grown man and I'm almost sick with worry... TBH has affected my work performance today, couldn't concentrate on anything but getting home to make sure she's ok. I don't want to take her back to the breeder, how serious is this?

Once again, NO other symptoms that I can tell.
I have had a bunny with snuffles and if it is snuffles then with these symptoms and it being so early, she will be fine to wait the weekend unless she stops eating or starts eating less. If it is the hay, is it extremely dusty? Even if it doesn't have a lot of dust on it, it still may have some, shake it outside before you give it to her and mist it with water just don't soak it.
As long as she is not around any other buns then it is not an extreme worry. The vet will give you a medicine that she will have to take for about a week and she will be fine after that.
The vet should culture the discharge and tell you if there’s anything you need to be concerned about. It might be from the hay.
I have had a bunny with snuffles and if it is snuffles then with these symptoms and it being so early, she will be fine to wait the weekend unless she stops eating or starts eating less. If it is the hay, is it extremely dusty? Even if it doesn't have a lot of dust on it, it still may have some, shake it outside before you give it to her and mist it with water just don't soak it.

Here's a picture of what I'm talking about. Her sneezing seems to be way less frequent and intense now that I took the excess hay out of her cage and also took the towel off the top... I realized that might be messing with her ventilation, only reason it was there was because she likes to jump up there and I don't like her feet on the mesh.

As in maybe one tiny snuffle/sneeze per 15 minutes as opposed to intense sneezes more frequently and I haven't heard her have another fit...

Still, she clearly has a bit of a runny nose after she gives her little sneezes. I guess if it was the hay/towel it's not like the residue wouldn't still be bugging her a bit. No crazy sneezing fits like yesterday though, really scared the **** out of me!

What do you bun experts think? Have you ever seen allergy mucus that colour? For what it's worth the majority of the mucus is clear, its just those tiny white boogers that are giving me anxiety.

I know that dormant snuffles can be brought on by stress, still seems weird to me that it didn't start until she got into her new cage... Nothing at the breeders when we were strange new people holding her for the bit it took for her to choose us, nothing in the car when scared in the box, nothing when we first got home and I hadn't set up the cage yet...

Just came out to binky a bit, definitely doesn't know she's sick if she is!

The white in her paws is her litter/bedding, that recycled paper healthy stuff!
I have had a bunny with snuffles and if it is snuffles then with these symptoms and it being so early, she will be fine to wait the weekend unless she stops eating or starts eating less. If it is the hay, is it extremely dusty? Even if it doesn't have a lot of dust on it, it still may have some, shake it outside before you give it to her and mist it with water just don't soak it.

Ya I think it's pretty dusty... I mean this breeder had a serious amount of animals on their farm, the hay is definitely bought in the bale and she sold me a garbage bag full. Even with a garbage bag of this hay, I really hope it's just that.

The hay doesn't look or smell bad though, nothing obviously "discount" about it. Smells like... That good hay smell.
She's very cool!
When I brought Fred home it was in January was very cold and he spent a few hours in a car he was brought from another town to me, he also was sneezing next day and had this stuff coming out his nose even more than your rabbit in photo. It was really cold in my apartment I moved an extra heater closer to him and made some herbal tea I used chamomile but sometimes I use thyme or just black tea, so I made some tea and filled his bottle half tea, warm not hot and half water, he thought it is just water and drunk a bit, then he didn't like it but was too late. I also wiped his nose and eyes with a damp cotton ball, with chamomile tea as well and added some dried chamomile flowers to his pellets, he ate them. Next day he was alright, I gave him some dried herbs from my garden like thyme, chamomile, mint what I had and what I know is good for people and for rabbits in this case. I don't know what caused your bunny's sneezing maybe it's just allergy from dusty hay but you can just wipe her nose with tea it won't hurt. Hope she'll get better soon.

I use herbs from my garden but pretty sure you can buy chamomile, thyme, mint or sage dried or fresh in your grocery store



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Here's a photo oh him you can see how bad it was then


and here's him now, happy and smiling
That is such hopeful news... Unfortunately this hasn't been one day, it's been 4. It definitely hasn't gotten worse, if anything it seems better though I'm noticing the mucus more. Probably because I know what to look for.

I just went to the store on your suggestion. Fed her a little fresh mint and thyme, just waiting for the Coriander tea to cool. I also gave her a splash of apple cider vinegar on her salad as well as a tiny pinch of food grade D. Earth (forget how to spell) on the breeder's suggestion. She has been eating a small amount every week from birth I was told, some farmer thing. Know my dad has had periods where he swears by eating a bit daily.

Lastly I melted some halls in a cup of hot water and left it right next to the cage where she hangs most of the time, read somewhere that can help sooth them.
I feel like an A-hole not calling the vet till today, should of called right away but this is my first bunny and the breeder told me that it was almost certainly allergies... I really didn't want to/couldn't believe it could be anything else with my brand new baby bun! Especially because I was so careful about asking the breeder about deworming/health and really spent a lot of time amongst her hutches meeting and seeing a lot of bunnies.

I understand why she would find it hard to believe, she was the calmest and biggest/healthiest of her litter and it really doesn't make sense!
I feel like an ******* not calling the vet till today, should of called right away but this is my first bunny and the breeder told me that it was almost certainly allergies... I understand why she would find it hard to believe, she was the calmest and biggest/healthiest of her litter and it really doesn't make sense!
Just don't panic I understand how you feel I've been there myself but it's nothing serious if she eats like a horse and poops a lot she'll be alright you're doing great :)
Just don't panic I understand how you feel I've been there myself but it's nothing serious if she eats like a horse and poops a lot she'll be alright you're doing great :)


It's all the talk about abcesses online that really have me spooked... Sounds like the snuffles can get serious. Hopefully not over a few days, the only clinic open before Monday is about a 2 hour or more journey each way. If she got the snuffles because she was scared on the 45m ride over, I can't imagine what that long in a car would do

It's all the talk about abcesses online that really have me spooked... Sounds like the snuffles can get serious. Hopefully not over a few days, the only clinic open before Monday is about a 2 hour or more journey each way. If she got the snuffles because she was scared on the 45m ride over, I can't imagine what that long in a car would do
It's all good you're just panicking because you're a new dad and everything is new for you just watch her if she has good appetite and poops well she's healthy she'll be fine in a couple days :)
Oh my goodness, she's so cute! I hope she has alot of time to run around/free roam as the cage in the picture is rather small for a rabbit. As for the sneezing, get her in to the vet as soon as you can so the mucus can be cultured. You can drive yourself crazy trying to self-diagnose online. We all do it!! My bunny, Rocky, sneezed for more than a year. He never had any mucus so the vet couldn't do a culture. This ended up with Rocky on a myriad of different drugs to stop the sneezing. It wasn't until he had dental work that we figured out it was most likely a dental abscess and with the right medication combo, everything is fine now. As long as your bunny eats and romps and acts normal, it's not an emergency. You just need to have a vet take a look so you know what you are dealing with. Snuffles is supposedly not curable but it is controllable. Some rabbits have chronic issues or returning issues but treatment can help. It may be nothing at all so see the vet and set you mind at ease.
Oh my goodness, she's so cute! I hope she has alot of time to run around/free roam as the cage in the picture is rather small for a rabbit. As for the sneezing, get her in to the vet as soon as you can so the mucus can be cultured. You can drive yourself crazy trying to self-diagnose online. We all do it!! My bunny, Rocky, sneezed for more than a year. He never had any mucus so the vet couldn't do a culture. This ended up with Rocky on a myriad of different drugs to stop the sneezing. It wasn't until he had dental work that we figured out it was most likely a dental abscess and with the right medication combo, everything is fine now. As long as your bunny eats and romps and acts normal, it's not an emergency. You just need to have a vet take a look so you know what you are dealing with. Snuffles is supposedly not curable but it is controllable. Some rabbits have chronic issues or returning issues but treatment can help. It may be nothing at all so see the vet and set you mind at ease.

Oh going to the vet was NEVER in question, it's just whether I can wait till Monday to see the ideal Vet closest to me. I am perfectly willing to take her to the emergency vet (Ontario Veterinarians College in Guelph) if that is the right call, but as I said it would literally be a FULL day excursion for her. I don't know if the stress of that outweighs the three days wait.

I totally agree about the cage, the intent was never for this to be what she is confined to during the day. Also, she won't be able to even fit through the entrance when she starts getting closer to full grown, we got it from the breeder for very cheap just to start.

I've luckily had this week off, and I just can't get enough, so she's literally had hours and hours of free-roam every day. Binkying, flopping, running, always trying to climb on the bed when I'm not looking, etc. The only time I close the door is when I can't watch her or I'm going out/to sleep. She comes and goes as she pleases! I will say, she doesn't really seem to value or care about alone time... Pretty much wants to be pet, watched or fed all the time as far as I can tell.

That being said, after she is spayed and her litter training is even better, I am buying one of those pens to put around the cage and I will leave the door open all the time. I just heard it's best to limit their space in the beginning, it's only been five days. She's only had two pee accidents and two scattered droppings in this whole time so I really don't see any reason to confine her to the cage any more than necessary.
Also, is it unusual that she flops after a sneezing attack EVERY time? I always rush over to wipe her nose with warm camomile or reassure her and as I pet her when she stops she ALWAYS either loafs out or flops and starts closing her eyes.

She'll do it when not sneezing too, but it's every single time... Weird bunny psychology.
She’s probably flopping in response to the attention. She sounds like a happy bunny! It doesn’t seem like you need to rush her to the vet. As long as she continues to behave this way (eating, playing, romping) I’d say wait to see the vet you prefer. You’ll know if things turn and she needs to be seen sooner.
She’s probably flopping in response to the attention. She sounds like a happy bunny! It doesn’t seem like you need to rush her to the vet. As long as she continues to behave this way (eating, playing, romping) I’d say wait to see the vet you prefer. You’ll know if things turn and she needs to be seen sooner.

I think it's safe to say she is one seriously happy bunny. Today she has only had 3 sneezing fits, and the mucus seems to be way less and kind of drier? Almost the way that if we have a cold and our nose is runny, after it's run it's course the last day the mucus will come out as boogers and not liquid? Gross sorry...

I seriously hope she's getting better, she's going to the vet either way, but I just can't bear to think of this little angel having to go through the trauma of snuffles. She's SO good!

I almost think she wouldn't sneeze at all if we didn't give her any hay, but it just seemed cruel before going to bed. Of course we woke up to a sneezing fit, and another and another until we took away her hay. I've been trying to just give her enough to eat, shaking it out and using a blow dryer to blow it out before misting it with water with my hands and the tap. The problem is, sometimes I give her a handful and she literally eats it in 5 minutes... It's pretty incredible how much hay she eats, on top of her 1/4-1/2 cup of pellets every day and small handful of greens/herbs. If I give her too much she uses it as bedding and sneezes her little heart out!

I literally can't take watching her sneeze, I try to have the camomile on hand but it's hard to let it cool enough to work but keep warm enough for her to like it. I will also say, whoever commented about their bunny not liking the tea... She LOVES the 1/2 camomile 1/2 water, I can't see any reason why it wouldn't be good for her right? It's only once a day I fill her bowl that way, the rest is just water.
I think it's safe to say she is one seriously happy bunny. Today she has only had 3 sneezing fits, and the mucus seems to be way less and kind of drier? Almost the way that if we have a cold and our nose is runny, after it's run it's course the last day the mucus will come out as boogers and not liquid? Gross sorry...

I seriously hope she's getting better, she's going to the vet either way, but I just can't bear to think of this little angel having to go through the trauma of snuffles. She's SO good!

I almost think she wouldn't sneeze at all if we didn't give her any hay, but it just seemed cruel before going to bed. She doesn't even want to go into her cage if there isn't a hay incentive ha ha. Also just seems like she gets seriously bored in there without hay... I also think that, IF this is the snuffles, I surely don't want to hurt her chances of beating it by feeding her less!

Of course we woke up to a sneezing fit, and another and another until we took away her hay. I've been trying to just give her enough to eat, shaking it out and using a blow dryer to blow it out before misting it with water with my hands and the tap. The problem is, sometimes I give her a handful and she literally eats it in 5 minutes... It's pretty incredible how much hay she eats, on top of her 1/4-1/2 cup of pellets every day and small handful of greens/herbs. If I give her too much she uses it as bedding and sneezes her little heart out!

I literally can't take watching her sneeze, I try to have the camomile on hand but it's hard to let it cool enough to work but keep warm enough for her to like it. I will also say, whoever commented about their bunny not liking the tea... She LOVES the 1/2 camomile 1/2 water, I can't see any reason why it wouldn't be good for her right? It's only once a day I fill her bowl that way, the rest is just water.

The new hay I ordered should be here tomorrow, Oxbow alfalfa... I've heard alfalfa is good for them when they are young because of the increased protein, any input there?