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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Ontario, Ontario, Canada
[align=center]Alright, the breeder (I won't mention names ;)) I got my English Lops from sold me my black doe. I asked how old she was and she said a year and a half, I said would she be okay to breed because of her age. The breeder said she should be fine and went ahead and bred her. So far everything is fine, but she is due to kindle this weekend.

Does everyone think she will be alright? I haven't bred a rabbit at this age before!

P.S She has never had a litter!
She really should be fine. She is not a tiny breed, and she isn't that old. As long as the breeding "took", she should be OK. As always, keep an eye on her and just be ready in case of problems.
She should be fine, and ELs are a bigger breed. I have a champagne doe that I first bred at 2 years old and the had hers fine. :) Good luck on the upcoming liter! Just keep an eye on her and you'll be fine.
Thank Kathy and Erin :3
She definitly took, she is due this weekend actually :3
I will keep a very close eye on her :3 I will be going out every 3 hours starting Friday night just to make sure she has them in the nest and everything :3
just one suggestion on that is make sure you start the consistant checking early enough that she gets used to it. She could get nervous if you start too close to kindling. I lost a Holland lop litter that way. I'm not sure on the age thing, I have mainly small breed rabbits so it wasn't much of a deal for me, I start all mine at 6-8 months

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