Upset tummy off and on/ destructive behaviour

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Sep 6, 2014
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My four year old dwarf lop Binky has had an upset tummy off and on for the past month. He has gone through bouts of this before and by adjusting his diet and a few other tricks I have learnt along the way I have always gotten him back in good and health and back to his old self. With this last bout of tummy trouble he has turned into a different rabbit! I let him out of his cage to run around the other day and he chewed every single corner in my entire basement. Never in the four years I have had him has he been a chewer, a few times out of boredom he has taken a few nips at cords and corners but never to this extent. I figured it was because he was sick and just wasn't himself. His tummy has since settled but the destructive behaviour has not. His eating and bowel movements are back to normal but he is aggressive/ and distant and if I let him out of his cage he will chew anything he can. I just don't know what to do anymore. I have always given him so much freedom because he is such a good bunny and I feel terrible keeping him in his cage all the time but he is destroying my house. Usually when I let him out he runs around for hours and does what he wants ( plays with the cats, sleeps, explores but never chews and always goes back to his cage to use his little box). I love him and I want to continue to give him his freedom and he best quality of life possible but we are expecting our first baby soon and I just don't know what to do :( Anybody advice or anyone who has had a similar experience, I would appreciate any insight you can give.
A sudden change of behavior can be a very good indication of a rabbit feeling unwell and something being wrong. Unusual chewing behavior can sometimes be an indication of digestive slowdown and discomfort, but it could also be due to some other hidden health problem. Does his poop look normal or is it smaller, dark, and hard, or any mushy poop? Is he eating the same foods and amounts as usual? Any decrease in hay consumption, difficulty chewing, or dropping food from the mouth? Is his urine normal? Any straining, incontinence, or dribbling of urine?

Have you been to the vet to have any tests done? If not, a dental check would be good, as well as checking the ears. Also the vet should palpate the abdomen to ensure the cecum isn't impacted, and that there are no other abnormalities felt in the belly. You may also want to have blood tests and xrays done.
His poop has returned to normal ( regular size and consistency ) and his eating habits are all back to normal, eating lots of pellets, hay and drinking lots of water. I live in a small town and none of the vets here are really deal with rabbits, I've taken him before when he was just over a year and had some stomach issues and they didn't give me much insight at all, I nursed him back to health myself with the help of knowledgeable people I found on the internet like yourself. Im going to call around to vets in the area and see if I can find someone who I can take him too. Thanks for you reply.

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