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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2005
Reaction score
, , USA
If you havent seen or have seen Trina's and I last post about Emmy..we'll heres our update!!

Emmy's nail incident
Emmy nail is gratefully healing. The nail is growing back in itsorginal place, and it doesn't seen to hurt her. When we check on it shelets us check her nail like nothing has ever happened to it :). Thereare still dry blood stains near her nail..but that'll eventually washoff. Im just happy that its all being taken care of

Emmy's harness.

Oh boyyy :plols. Trina and I tried her harness onceagain...seeing if the harness will work on Emmy and if shes was goingto cooperate with us.My mom helped me and Trina place the harness or socalled leash on her. Once we got all the buckles in place..we placedEmmy on the ground. After at least a minute or two..my mom announcedthat we should exchange the harnesss because it seemed to small on her.( Size Large :shock:) So, Trina and my mom wentback to petsmart and returned home with an x-large harness! We put iton and itkind offit her. Not the perfect size..butit wasn't tight as the one before.Well -ahm. bad news.- oncewe placed Emmy onthe floor..she immediatly ran underthedining table and started chewing away at the thing tryingto take it off!! :shock::shock:I couldn't believe she wasdoing it again! Trina tapped Emmy lightly on thenose..shedidstop butonce we were out of hersightshe startedchewing atit again!! She placed her neckdown and started nipping//chewing at teh neck strapon her! Wedon't knowWHAT to do with Emmy and the harness anymore.Shejust doesn't cooperate with us!grRr.Itsgetting me and trina frustrared. Doesany one have any tips//comments about this?

Sorry for this long post I got here. I ought to stop beforeyou guysthink im an idiot!:p
I would like to say good luck to you.Faye is always very open about how she feels about me walkingher. I put it on and she doesnt even move sometimes, neverchews though:? Good luck, does not sound like shes going toco op.
I woud like to say "Good luck" to me also! I'mjust stuck in a situation where Emmy won't barely cooperate with me!!:XI mean..when i put the harness on her..she seems reallyffine. But once i put her on the floor..its like she wants to tear thething apart! *sigh* I really want her to get used to the harness sothat in the spring in nice weather i can take her out in a nice walkand go to the pet store with her!


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