Well-Known Member
Well Good Things-
My rabbitry will be "done" in a month!! Yay! We had to replan itthough. Instead of a barn we are going to use a picket fence andsurround the area to keep the dogs out. Then my cousin is going to makea "cover" that is going to let light through but stop the rain andstuff. Its going to be so nice and I can't wait. It will take a monthbecause we had to special order the fencing and stuff.
I am getting another rabbit from a user on Bunny Rabbits. Some of youmay know her. Her username is Jojo (ooo I may have that wrong). She hada broken orange lop that I wanted and sadly it died. Now she has 3litters on the way and she knows she will get an orange out of one atleast. Then when Nationals come around I am having someone drive itfrom Idaho to Texas. I just have to find that someone... LOL.
I am going to my first show in Taylor on the 6th of May. I may show butI haven't decided. Taylor is only about 5 mins away from my house so Ireally cant wait.
For easter I got a stuffed bunny named apricot, a reeses bunny, and 3 card games.
Bad News-
Luke came in this morning for exercise. I didn't notice his wet noseintill I went to put him back out in his cage. I think he may havegotten into something but I am worried he may be sick so I have towatcho out for him. I also went to cut Lukes nails for the first timeand he sliced my wrist all the way across making it bleed for an hour.
My cat is missing. His name is Toby and I have had him since he wasborn (his mother is now gone but was my cat). When we moved he stayedinside but had been going outside for a few days now. Then one day hewanted outside and never showed back up. This was a week ago. We arestill looking. We have called animal control who didn't have him and weare going to the Williamson Animal Shelter to look for him. We reallymiss him.
The camera is missing ever since we moved. Which means NO morepictures. We are looking all over but this could take a while since wehave not finished unpacking yet.
We do not have any grass in our back yard. We will be getting that in 2weeks. We bought trees for my aunts birthday (a Eastern Red Bud, apeach tree, a silver male, and a magnolia) and then found out that theground is rock solid when we tried to plant them so we are goign to seeif my cousin can do it.
Well, I guess that is it.
My rabbitry will be "done" in a month!! Yay! We had to replan itthough. Instead of a barn we are going to use a picket fence andsurround the area to keep the dogs out. Then my cousin is going to makea "cover" that is going to let light through but stop the rain andstuff. Its going to be so nice and I can't wait. It will take a monthbecause we had to special order the fencing and stuff.
I am getting another rabbit from a user on Bunny Rabbits. Some of youmay know her. Her username is Jojo (ooo I may have that wrong). She hada broken orange lop that I wanted and sadly it died. Now she has 3litters on the way and she knows she will get an orange out of one atleast. Then when Nationals come around I am having someone drive itfrom Idaho to Texas. I just have to find that someone... LOL.
I am going to my first show in Taylor on the 6th of May. I may show butI haven't decided. Taylor is only about 5 mins away from my house so Ireally cant wait.
For easter I got a stuffed bunny named apricot, a reeses bunny, and 3 card games.
Bad News-
Luke came in this morning for exercise. I didn't notice his wet noseintill I went to put him back out in his cage. I think he may havegotten into something but I am worried he may be sick so I have towatcho out for him. I also went to cut Lukes nails for the first timeand he sliced my wrist all the way across making it bleed for an hour.
My cat is missing. His name is Toby and I have had him since he wasborn (his mother is now gone but was my cat). When we moved he stayedinside but had been going outside for a few days now. Then one day hewanted outside and never showed back up. This was a week ago. We arestill looking. We have called animal control who didn't have him and weare going to the Williamson Animal Shelter to look for him. We reallymiss him.
The camera is missing ever since we moved. Which means NO morepictures. We are looking all over but this could take a while since wehave not finished unpacking yet.
We do not have any grass in our back yard. We will be getting that in 2weeks. We bought trees for my aunts birthday (a Eastern Red Bud, apeach tree, a silver male, and a magnolia) and then found out that theground is rock solid when we tried to plant them so we are goign to seeif my cousin can do it.
Well, I guess that is it.