Updated pics of our puppy Millie

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
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, Texas, USA
She's 1/2 border collie and 1/2 ..golden lab I think? I'd have to look it up in my original thread about her.

The first pic is my favorite...





She's getting me trained quite well...thank you.

She's learned to climb baby gates....to open the gate into the rabbitry so she can go in and sit on the floor with the bunnies and she's trying so hard to prove to me she won't chase bunnies - even though I can see it in her eyes.

She's doing pretty good. Somehow...she's helping to heal my heart that is still broken from losing Tiny..

TinysMom wrote:
She's getting me trained quite well...thank you.

She's learned to climb baby gates....to open the gate into the rabbitry so she can go in and sit on the floor with the bunnies and she's trying so hard to prove to me she won't chase bunnies - even though I can see it in her eyes.

She's doing pretty good. Somehow...she's helping to heal my heart that is still broken from losing Tiny..

That's cool how she goes in and sits with the bunnies!


Just a note - if she's got border collie in her - give her a job - like frisbee! she's going to need something to use all of that energy on - and she'll probably "herd" the bunnies and anything else (you and the family and birds in the yard.....) that she sees needing to be in a group!
Bo - I think that is why she jumps into the rabbitry so much - to herd the girls together. She's now trying to herd Snookums (living room bunny) back to her cage she sleeps in. Snookums turned around and tried to box her on the nose. (In Millie's defense - she was trying to lick her on the head to show her she was friendly).

Miss Bea won't take Millie on (I wish she would 'cause she'd put her in her place) but it looks like Snookums is willing to train Millie....good thing.

Millie is adorable and it sounds like she's fitting in well. And I'm glad that Snookums is willing to train her for you - he he. Can Snookums come here and train my dogs?!

She's way cute. Is she as coy as she looks :p?
What a cutie! :inlove:

My little Asher is being trained by Peaches. She too boxes him when he gets too close. :laugh:Thumper just runs away from him.

I'm happy she is helping you heal. They have a strange way of doing that.
She is a doll!

... and I'm having a huge case of puppy fever right now myself!
AWWW! At that first picture I said, out loud with no warning, in a very funny voice: 'AWWW IT A WIDDLE PUPPEH!' and Steve thought I'd gone mental lol....

With all this bunny stuff I sometimes forget how much I love dogs too...I saw my dog today, who is 14 and lives with my parents, and just couldn't stop cuddling him (but then I also know that I have limited time left with him...)

Millie is SOOOOO cute! It sounds so funny how she 'herds' the bunnies! I'd love to see her try and be 'trained' by Snookums.... that sounds hillarious!!

Need.... more....pics...... :biggrin2:

Jen xx