Update on red, cloudy eye

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May 15, 2005
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So I took my rabbit to the vet for her red,cloudy eye. Vet said it is a infectionbut not caused by damage to the eye. He thinks thatthe infection has actully pushed her lense outward.He also said she isnt in any pain. I haveto give her two differentanti biotics and one steroid for 7days then go back. This set me back$115. He isnt sure about hervision. He says right now she can not see out ofthe eye because of the lense being pushedout.
WOW..sounds painful!! Hope everything comes outok! I've had my guy to the vet back and forth since Friday...luckilyI'm only at about $125..which is enough, but could be much worse!
Poor little babe. As Pam said, let usknow how the medication works. Will say a prayer for thelittle punkin. Thank God she's not in pain. I hope she getsher vision back.


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