Update on my current rescues(plus 2 more)

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Active Member
Aug 16, 2010
Reaction score
Melbourne, , Australia
Hi all, thought I'd give an update on how all my rescues are going.

Harvey(abscess bunny)is stealing my heart, he's up for adoption, but im secretly hoping no one calls.


Baxter(infected eye bunny) is completeyly healed and still has vision in his once gunky eye, he is also up for adoption.


Seppy(thin bunny) has settled in nicely with the boys. He's still a little yellow from being in his urine drenched cage before he came to me, but the fur is slowly growing out. He is also back to a healthy weight and ready for adoption.


Now for the newbies!

Pip(infected eye bun). I picked up Pip today. She is so lively despite her majorly infected eye. She's also incredibly thin weighing 1kg.She is on Opticlox eye cream and must have it cleared twice a day. She may lose sight in that eye, so praying she makes a full recovery.


Dixie(skinny bun). Dixie came from the same house an Pip. She also weighs 1kg. Her spine, ribs and hibs are all easily felt. Shes also very weak and lethargic. She's very young, which may also make getting the weight on her harder. She just needs some TLC.


And RIP to little Tia.You paid the ultimate price today for myignorance and stupidity. Im sorry. I love you.
You're doing an amazing thing caring for these bunnies. My heart BROKE when I read and saw the pics. I think maybe I've been overprotected because I was shocked but shouldn't have been, I know how stupid and careless people can be. I'm so angry I'm shaking but bless you for caring so much. what a wonderful gift you are to these bunnies and to the world for doing what you do xo