Update on my babies

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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2006
Reaction score
North Bay, Ontario, Canada
My first doe had 9 babies sadly I lost 3 of theaventorous over the couse of 3 days. We were having a cold spell (-18c) the first one i found out of the nest boxdead on the cagefloor one morning, the next morning I found one still alive so put itback in the box with the others and it was dead the followingmorning.later that day a 3rd got out of th box so I brought it thehouse, warmed it up and put it back. It too died the following day.so itook the box out on day 12so at least the babies would staytogether to keep warm. the rest stayed warm and are now almost 6 weeks.

My second doe had a litter of 8, all are healthy and now 4 weeks. Ifound the doe, Little Sis, dead in her cage yesterday morning, reasonunknown to me, she wasn't sick or showing any signs ofdiscomfortthe day before at bed time check and was only 9mths old. She had no problems having her litter. It was very upsettingas she was a very good mom.The babies are doing find on their own.

I still can't show pics but will do so when i can. Can't wait to show everyone as they are all so cute!
Oh no, so sorry you lost the mom. :cry2

Is there anyway of getting a necropsy just to make sure it's nothing that will affect anybunny else?

Bunnies are so bad at showing their symptoms, it's so hard to tell when something isn't right.

Glad the babies are fine, it's unfortunate you lost the three you did,but that's nature's way of having the strongest survive, that was apretty big litter. Please keep us updated.

I didn't even think of that. i buried Little Sisyesterday afternoon. I am keeping a close eye on her babies for anysypmtoms of illness and have them away from the others rabbits just incase.
I'm so sorry to hear about all your losses but i'm very happy to hear about so many healthy babies! have you got any photos?

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