update on bonding

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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
, , United Kingdom
I took Furby and Ellie to the vet today to have their stitches removed and I put them in the same carrier. On the way there they cuddled up to each other and on the way back they were both doing half bunny flops in the carrier. The vet had said I could now start to rebond. I let them both out while watching closely and all of a sudden they both cuddled up.
Ellie still wont groom poor Furby but they now sit opposite each other and goom themselves. So I backed off and let them do what they want. All they have done is cuddle!!!
My question is should I put them back together in the hutch or wait a while longer?:colors::bunnydance::colors:
Its hard to say, but my advice would be to watch for any signs of aggression. I would supervise longer play dates for a few days and just watch for that. If you're confident that they're not going to hurt one another, it should be fine to put them together.

I put Basil and Max together after their 3rd session where they snuggled the whole time. I was able to move both their cages into one room and supervise them playing together. I did this for abouta week, then merged them into one cage when I was confident they were buddies.

Imso happyfor you and your Buns! Its so great when bonding goes well!

Good Luck!


I have been keeping an eye on them and they do their own thing or snuggle. I put a bouwl of food outside and they were side by side munching away!!!When I put the carrier infront of the hutch and put Furby in, Ellie jumped straight in, went skidding along the floor jumped on to the ramp and both bunnies were scared(you could see the fur in the air). After a minute though Ellie jumped down and they both came together. I waited about a minute but they just sat with their noses touching. I then separated them and will put them together again tomorrow. They were together for about 8 hrs today and were almost back to normal, except Ellie still wont groom poor Furby!!!:colors:
Sounds like things are going great! Its okay if one isnt grooming the other, as long as there is snuggling and no aggression. Some buns are just selfish...they just want to be groomed :) I would just continue to keep an eye on them, but it sounds like they should be fine to put together soon!



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