Update from us :D

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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2004
Reaction score
, Virginia, USA
Hi everyone!

I've felt really guilty because I haven't been able to postmuch. I've had limited time and nothing to add to the latest topicsthat I've seen. I really am still around and reading posts!

This has been such a CRAZY week!!! My husband left for a shortone week business trip the same week Peter (6) had spring break. SoMonday I got up and came downstairs to find the kitchen flooded by thekids. I made them mop it up and then continued with regular householdchores. I sat down for, literally, 5 minutes at the computer and all ofa sudden I heard Peter say "I want to kiss the rainbow too!" so Ijumped up and found Bailee (3) standing on a chair at the sink with thehose spraying water in to the living room. It was SO bad, there waswater on everything! I was so mad I sent the kids upstairs while I gotthe carpet cleaner... when I got downstairs I found out a door they hadcolored on with permanent marker!!!!! Ughh I was livid. So I sucked upas much water as I could and took the wood furniture outside, sat themagazines out to dry. That night I said to the kids, if you get upbefore I'm out of bed you MUST come sit in my room and watch cartoonsuntil I'm out of bed. So the next morning they did exactly as they weretold, I got up and said Ok you guys can go downstairs now, I'll bethere in just a minute. I went to the restroom, washed my hands, wentdownstairs and Peter was spraying water into the living roomAGAIN!!!!!!!! I WAS SO MAD!!!!! I couldn't believe he'd done that. Thewhole week went like this one thing after another. In the middle of itI got sucked into a Kirby Vacuum sales pitch that lasted 4hours!!!

Friday night my husband got home, thank the lord!! We were homeSaturday during the day and then at about 7pm we left for Richmond. HisAunt and Uncle own horse stables near Richmond and we went to visitthem. We had the best time. They did an elaborate Easter Egg hunt forthe kids. It was just such a good time, lots of good conversation:D

Peter's first soccer practice was tonight but we had a bad rainstorm yesterday so practice was canceled. I was really proud of howwell he took the news, he was very mature about it. I can't wait untilhe starts, he looks so cute in his uniform!!!!

Anyway, hubby's waiting to watch a movie with me so I gotta go. Talk to you all soon!

Sounds like you had a rough rough week.Kids do strange things. Just yesterday i was at my momsvisiting with my sister who lives out of town and we see somethingwhite in tylers ear. It was strofoam. We got some of it out and couldntget the rest. The dr's office said go to the er. Sowe spent ours waiting on for something that took less then 5minutes. To top it off i am without a car cause it broke andit's at the dr's and going to cost a pretty penny to fix it.


Oh my goodness Cristy!!!! Isn't that so scary!?!?Luckily nothing has been stuck in my kids ears or nostrils yetalthough my daughter does try to put things in her nose, for right nowher nostrils are too small.... lets hope she keeps that petite nose! LOL

Maybe my beautiful little red headed babies need oneof these for thekitchen!

We've missed you! I'm so glad you stoppedin! I understand about being busy and having rough weeks though.Iswear I'm going to have to wean myself off this forum alittle bit. I just don't have enough time to spend so much of it here.

Give those lovely,well behaved,beautiful children a big hug from me, and give the buns a craisin ortwo also! :)

Pop in again soon!

I forgot one of the things the kids did.....Peter colored on their faces before school one morning. I washed asmuch as I could off but he had to go to school like that LOL.

There's a lot of pics so I put them in an album. There's Pics from the Easter Egg hunt and the artwork on their faces :D

Wow! Rought week ain't it?!
Lols. As long as your husband is back, he can help
you with the kids ;)Thanks for the update!


I couldn't help but sit here and laugh as I got a mental picture ofwater everywhere and innocent little faces being caught in the act LOL

Things will settle down again , it's hard going when things all happenat once believe me I know I've just gone through a horror 3 weeks butall is coming together LOL

Howdy Megan!

I'm sure you have the cleanest house on the block now. You should be thanking those kids. ;)

No apologies needed for not posting. Life gets busy and before you know it, the days/weeks pass.

Glad to hear that all is normal in your household. :)

Photo #5!, #5!,#5! Look at those little angels! You must postthat! How can anyone look at that and believe for one second that theentire week wasn't full of peace and bliss, and that Mommy isn't makingup all of those horrible stories! :X


Oh boy was it rough! It still hasn't stopped,last night Peter took his mattress off his bed to make a fort. We toldhim he couldn't do that, we got his room put back together, and 30minutes later he had his mattress off the bed again! LOL

I forgot what he said they were pretending to be by coloring on theirfaces, so I called him in here this morning. He said they weren'tpretending, they were being real tigers!



Meganc731 wrote:
Peter took his mattress off his bed to make a fort.

Ha...ha. Brings back so many memories, and thetrouble I got in.:D Good thingthe colorings are on their faces, and not on thewalls!!!:p Very adorable kids you have.

Rainbows! :)

Pet_Bunny wrote:
Good thing the colorings are on their faces,and not on the walls!!!:p

Who said they didn't color on the walls??? LOL Peter has actuallyscratched in to the plaster trying to draw on his walls. We haveserious house repairs to do! LOL

I swear I do watch and supervise my kids! They just take advantage of those times I can't be there.


P.S. By the way my husband just informed me that our son had once againtaken his mattress off his bed this morning before we got up!
Yes! That's the picture! Just look at them! Don't theylooklike they'd be shocked tohear that they've beenanything but angelic?

I sooooo remember those days with my fourolder kids. Just imagine having four of them stairstepped in age doing all those things! :X It's awonder I didn't give SLG away when she came along!

At least they have active minds and goodimaginations. That's so much better than TV and video games all daylong!

I feel terribly guilty, but I do love those dayswhen they only sit in front of the TV! They don't happen very often butwhen they do it's a much needed break for me :D

I am very lucky that they're both so imaginative and active, my nephewis not like that and I can't imagine having to motivate a child to movewhen I can barely motivate myself! Although they're certainly makingsure that they never have another sibling.... I'm considering gettingmy tubes tide ;) hahaha

My sister took the kids to spend the night so Tim and Iwentover to our neighbors to hang out for the evening forgrown up time (it's only been about 3 years!!!!!). I had one of those"My life is good" moments. They've been married almost a year andneither have kids. I was telling them the whole story about the kidsflooding the kitchen/living room 3 times. We were all laughing aboutit, and the husband says I just can't imagine it, and I can't imaginethat you can laugh about it. I kept thinking to myself that I couldn'tbelieve how clean their carpet was! There wasn't a single stain orpiece of lint, I was amazed. But I alsothoughtasmuch as the kids stress me out, and our house is never clean, and theymay cost us hundreds, maybe thousands, in home repairs, I just can'timagine my life without them. I'm grateful that I can look backat the carpet incidents and laugh and it was only a week ago! Eventhough they can't imagine living with this chaos, I can't imagine lifewithout it. I wish my kiddies were home right now to give me a hug!!!
