unusual bunny behaviour

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New Member
Sep 14, 2011
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oxford, , United Kingdom
Murphy is a 10 month old male and pure breed blue self mini lop we have had him for 8 months.
he is usually such a happy and loving bunny but the past 2 days he has been abit moody sitting quiet and not playing. Last night his tummy was gurgling like he had wind and tonight he has had two wee and poo accidents on the lounge floor- he ran off and is now hiding but we haven't shouted at him or anything. when we go to him he shows his face then goes back in again.

we have not changed his diet or bedding - he always has plenty of water and is cleaned every other day. He does have a new cage we got him 2 weeks ago its bigger but has all his same things in it and he was skipping round happy when he got it.

im not sure what to do :(
it sounds like he has gas; you need to get baby liquid gas drops (simethicone) ; it is sold under the trade names Gas X liquid for infants or Mylicon for Infants. Should be simethicone as the only active ingredient ; give 1 cc by mouth and repeat 1 cc every hour X 3 doses if he doesn't seem more comfortable
Itmay help you to read other things that you can do to treat gas in a bunny

Angieluv I agree with you on the gas drops, it could be that he has suddenly realized his environment is different and is a little stressed.

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