unexpected rabbit babies... questions...

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Mar 10, 2005
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Hello, I am new here. We have 2 rabbits, a male(Treasury) and a female (Snowflake)--both named by my 5yo daughter! Wehad the male castrated before he had any contact with the female. Wegot them on a Sunday, he was castrated the next day and they met onWednesday. 28 days after that first contact, Snowflake made a nest intheir outdoor run. :shock: I picked her up and felt kicking inside herbelly! The next morning, there were babies.

We're trying to figure out how we ended up with baby rabbits when wethought we did everything right to prevent that. Given the timing, shecould have been a couple of days pregnant already when we got her,which would have meant a 31+ day gestation. But then someone suggestedto me that it may be possible that our male impregnated her after hewas castrated (which means a 28-day gestation, on the short side butstill within normal range). I know with human males, after a vasectomy,they still have some "live ones" so to speak :p in their tubes afterthe surgery and it takes a while to get them cleared out. Is it thesame with rabbits? I thought castration was supposed to be "thorough"and 100%, and the vet told us to go ahead and introduce them after aday or two of recovery. But the timing is suspicious...

Does anyone know whether such a thing is possible? If so, how long doesit take to achieve full sterility? I'm keeping our rabbits separateduntil I know for sure.

I feel silly asking this but I can't get our vet to call me back! Thanks.

mama to 3 kids
caretaker of 1 cat, 1 toad, 2 rabbits and 3 surprise kits!
crunchy wrote:
I feel silly asking this but I can't get our vet to call me back! Thanks.

mama to 3 kids
caretaker of 1 cat, 1 toad, 2 rabbits and 3 surprise kits!
Welcome to the forum Crunchy,

Ask anything you want, there are so many people here that canfind the answer or give you a suggestion for your questions.This posting sounds interesting to me because I too would like to findout what happened. I only have 1 spayed bunny.Congrats on the surprise.

Rainbows! :)
we just had new borns yesterday, i was flipping out too, they are inside correct?

and she has built a nest??? right? if she has built a nest and thebabies are inside, the momma should take care of them, our 4 babieshuddle and stay super warm, they are hott to the touch. She will nursethem once or twice a day, and you usually never see it. make sure youcheck the babies atleast once daily to make sure everyone is well, andchubby with milk, it is ok to handle the babies, we have picked up andheld all 4, and the momma still accepts them, cameron has already ate 3times today :shock:keep up the feedings, they are sooo cute,2 grays, 1 brown, and 1 pink and black
They look pretty gorgeous in the avatar you have. What kind are they?

Yes, I have heard 4 to 6 weeks after neutering males can get a female preggers.

I am suprised the vet didnt' tell you that, but they might not have realized you had a female or something.

I've heard that neutered males can get femalespregnant for several weeks after neutering. I'm not sure whythis happens, but I've read it in a few places.

Yep the boy buns can impregnate a doe within twoweeks(or more) of neutering. next time wait a couple of weeks and thenintroduce the bunnies together. That way the males hormones will bewore off by then. :) Also it might be a good idea to spay your femalein the future. Reduces the risk of cancer and all that good stuff. :)

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