Under the couch...

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Feb 7, 2006
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Thank you wonderful people for replying to my post last night about Cookie & his jumping around! It's so good to know that he is a happy little boy! :)

After he would finish running around and having fun, he discovered 'under the couch'.. he would go under there, Thump once or twice... I'd go to the side he was on and get him out. First, i thought he was thumping because he was scared or nervous...but then he'd come out and have more fun with us...and find his way back under the couch and thump again.

Somehow, at 4 AM this morning, he made his way out of his cage (clear on the other side of the house) and figured out his way to the living room. My husband had fallen asleep on the couch and Cookie woke him up Thumping underneath him!

Since Thumping is their way of expressing they are in danger or frightened or wanting attention, is that why Cookie is doing that? He is certainly having a lot of fun with us doing his binkies and cuddling but then he runs under the couch and thumps. I don't get it.

I needed to edit to say that Cookie makes his way to get under the couch, he's not going under there and then thumping b/c he is scared and wants to get out. We put pillows in front so that he can't get under there, but he squirms his way to get in!

Can anyone help us out to understand?
Thanks so much!

I don't know why he is thumping but I wouldn't think he is scared. All bunnies I know of love to hide under couches/chairs /beds etc. Mine always do and the same thing happens, we try to block it off with pillows and thingsbut they burrow their way in there anyway.

I think it is natural for them and they feel like they are underground. If he is going in and out and seems quite happy I wouldn't worry about it. My bunnies seem to also use thumping to get attention, they sometimes do it in the middle of the night as if they are bored and want to wake someone up to play.
Rabbits warn or call to each other with thumping.

Maybe he thinks if he thumps you'll join him?
My bunnies thump when they are really angry with me or when they're scared but I think thumping is normal.....watch the bottom of your couch. When I first got married and moved in with my husband my sweet little baby mini-lop completely destroyed the bottom and back of a cloth couch. I thought she was resting underneath it but she was chewing it apart. To this day he reminds me (when he's angry) how Babette wrecked his couch....and you know something .....she really did a number on it. We had to toss it.
I have to agree with BoBbunny, and say also maybe bunny wants to play. Also, perhaps he is "challenging" you to play with him. Also, maybe he is saying "Thump...thump" (This is my territory..I found this space first..come and find me) an instigator? Thor, my wonder rabbit, frequently does this. I don't always fall for it, though. I also think thumping means different things at different times. EX> A 4am thumping inside her cage, after at least 5-6 hours of quiet, may not mean "I'm challenging you...", but more likely "I'm bored. I want attention. I want to play (I'm hungry/thirsty/what about me/I'm upset..etc.) Just like a babys' cries.
Scooter does something I think is funny. When she's doing her Bunny 500's she will thump in the same spot on each lap as she's running. I've never figured that one out.