Hey lovelies, just checking on our infinite wisdom.
I have just moved house, and put Toulouse, my unaltered one year old male on the deck of our house, he is ridiculously happy here, constantly binkying around the deck and livingroom, my housemates can give him attention all the time, and he has his own very large hutch for his own space. He is currently keeping my feet warm, flopped out on his side. The only thing is, my housemate also has a cat, who is 14 years old, very sweet tempered, but very creeped out by Louie. We kept them very separate at first, and have been gradually letting them into each other's space, very well supervised, of course. Louie is very friendly and goes up to mark the cat with his chin, but the cat runs away scared. Have any of you had success bonding a cat and a bunny?
I have just moved house, and put Toulouse, my unaltered one year old male on the deck of our house, he is ridiculously happy here, constantly binkying around the deck and livingroom, my housemates can give him attention all the time, and he has his own very large hutch for his own space. He is currently keeping my feet warm, flopped out on his side. The only thing is, my housemate also has a cat, who is 14 years old, very sweet tempered, but very creeped out by Louie. We kept them very separate at first, and have been gradually letting them into each other's space, very well supervised, of course. Louie is very friendly and goes up to mark the cat with his chin, but the cat runs away scared. Have any of you had success bonding a cat and a bunny?