Losses thus far:
11 - kits (2wks, then later at 5wks), Agouti/Blue Broken, Agouti, REW
1 - 8wk Pearl Blue VM Doe
4 - 5wk kits, Self Black, Self Blue, Gold Tipped Black
1 - 4wk VM Orange Buck
1 - 4wk Dwarf Blue Broken Doe
1 - 8wk VM Harlequin Buck (today)
-All completely unrelated. Some came from clear across the state.
-All fed the same, kept in the same (clean) environment
-All show exactly the same symptoms in varying severity
Unsure how it begins exactly. Bunny is found laying on side, body is completely limp but does respond (able to move, not paralyzed).
Respiration is high but heart rate is in relatively normal range.
Pupil dilation is extremely slow. Eyes are open, bunny is able to blink.
Seizures that stiffen the entire rabbit occur every few minuets and last 5-30 seconds. Body stiffens, back legs stretch out, front legs may or may not paddle. Head arches backwards. Eyes may roll depending on severity. Bunny may or may not urinate uncontrollably.
Once symptoms begin, mortality is 100% with no possibility of recovery.
The younger the rabbit, the quicker the onset of symptoms. Some may be less susceptible and live longer.
Country Lane 16% Rabbit Pellets
I've gone over everything-where they've been, bedding, housing, water, etc. The only consistency is the pellets.
First litter I ever had was raised on Purina rabbit grain. 100% NO LOSSES. After that, I switched to Country Lane feed (first litter and momma since sold). I had the litter of 12 and lost every single one. Momma was extremely diligent, friendly, healthy, and produced more than enough milk to feed the lil' tykes.
Since then I've had young rabbits randomly dropping. I visit the hutch now in dread. Will another bunny be laying in the nest box, long since cold? My prized broken Vienna Doe? Or maybe my Satin Black today?
Everyone is going outside tomorrow so they can be 100% all natural until I can get Purina again, everyones closed for 4th of July.
Ugh. I feel like a completely ********* right now. It took nineteen bunnies lives far before their time for me to finally figure it out. Doi.
There was a similar issue with rabbit feed from another feed shop here in town, several breeders said that they had massive losses after feeding it. They didn't say exactly what brand it was though. I know that Midwest is really good with their feed, and theres another place but it's outside of town.
11 - kits (2wks, then later at 5wks), Agouti/Blue Broken, Agouti, REW
1 - 8wk Pearl Blue VM Doe
4 - 5wk kits, Self Black, Self Blue, Gold Tipped Black
1 - 4wk VM Orange Buck
1 - 4wk Dwarf Blue Broken Doe
1 - 8wk VM Harlequin Buck (today)
-All completely unrelated. Some came from clear across the state.
-All fed the same, kept in the same (clean) environment
-All show exactly the same symptoms in varying severity
Unsure how it begins exactly. Bunny is found laying on side, body is completely limp but does respond (able to move, not paralyzed).
Respiration is high but heart rate is in relatively normal range.
Pupil dilation is extremely slow. Eyes are open, bunny is able to blink.
Seizures that stiffen the entire rabbit occur every few minuets and last 5-30 seconds. Body stiffens, back legs stretch out, front legs may or may not paddle. Head arches backwards. Eyes may roll depending on severity. Bunny may or may not urinate uncontrollably.
Once symptoms begin, mortality is 100% with no possibility of recovery.
The younger the rabbit, the quicker the onset of symptoms. Some may be less susceptible and live longer.
Country Lane 16% Rabbit Pellets
I've gone over everything-where they've been, bedding, housing, water, etc. The only consistency is the pellets.
First litter I ever had was raised on Purina rabbit grain. 100% NO LOSSES. After that, I switched to Country Lane feed (first litter and momma since sold). I had the litter of 12 and lost every single one. Momma was extremely diligent, friendly, healthy, and produced more than enough milk to feed the lil' tykes.
Since then I've had young rabbits randomly dropping. I visit the hutch now in dread. Will another bunny be laying in the nest box, long since cold? My prized broken Vienna Doe? Or maybe my Satin Black today?
Everyone is going outside tomorrow so they can be 100% all natural until I can get Purina again, everyones closed for 4th of July.
Ugh. I feel like a completely ********* right now. It took nineteen bunnies lives far before their time for me to finally figure it out. Doi.
There was a similar issue with rabbit feed from another feed shop here in town, several breeders said that they had massive losses after feeding it. They didn't say exactly what brand it was though. I know that Midwest is really good with their feed, and theres another place but it's outside of town.