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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2004
Reaction score
lylonia, Colorado, USA
i read in another post how when someone got thererabbit spay it was like they had a diffferent pet and thats good butthey said they also lost some spunck . im scared now what dose thatmean dose that mean no more bunny 500 no more binkys??

plz i need input on this will you that have had you buns spaye tell me how it changed them lyla goes in on monday:shock:



My bunny is going in for spaying onFriday. I feel your fear. From what I understandthe binkies and bunny 500s don't stop....just (hopefully) the badbehaviors.
No worries. The first few days she may not wantto run around, but believe me, they bounce back pretty fast :) Peanutbinkies now more than ever :D
I got my bunnies neutered in August of 2003 andneither of them lost their spunk! They still have attitude and binkyall the time.
Maybe they meant the bunny lost a little "tude"or something. Bo definitely hasn't lost his spunk......binkies all the time, bunny 500 at least once a day, chases the cat,chases the dog, owns everyone in the house.... LOL!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Maybe they meant the bunny lost a little "tude" or something. Bodefinitely hasn't lost his spunk...... binkies all the time, bunny 500at least once a day, chases the cat, chases the dog, owns everyone inthe house.... LOL!
Thats so funny Bo B Bunny
blueyes65 wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Maybe they meant the bunny lost a little "tude" or something. Bodefinitely hasn't lost his spunk...... binkies all the time, bunny 500at least once a day, chases the cat, chases the dog, owns everyone inthe house.... LOL!
Thats so funny Bo B Bunny
It's funnybecause it's TRUE! lol!

Rarely do I hear of a case where the bunny lost all of it's spunk inthe long term. Of course, the spaying operation is so invasive Theywill take some time to heal, they'll be quiet, and then they bounceback.

Some rabbits have to be restricted from racing around too soon afterthe operation, while others don't care to be active. It can takeanywhere from a week to a month depending upon how fast the rabbitheals, etc.

She'll binky again. :)


I also find that as rabbits age they tend tobecome less active as the years accumulate. Remember onerabbit year is equivalent to 10 human years, so cut some slack if your6 year old bunny doesn't do laps around the house asfrequently. Has little to do with neutering.

Buck Jones wrote:
Remember one rabbit year is equivalent to 10 human years, so cutsome slack if your 6 year old bunny doesn't do laps around the house asfrequently.

My man is going to be 6 in March. He still runs the Bunny 500 and binkies, but not quite so fast or high as he used to ;)
My rabbit Faye is going on the 13th of Februaryand I have my fears. She is a strawberry blond colored minilop. She also has a stomach just like your rabbit.I found from reading many books that cancer at the age of 5is very high (80%)in female rabbitsand you can eliminate 95%of cancer risks by having her spayed. She well still be thesame rabbit. Just the sexual drive well no longer be. She well stillknow how to have fun and be funny.


P.s. I'll say a little parer for are girls
i have another question after you take them inhow long should you leave them in the cage andhow long is recoveryusually average?

sara it depends on if it's a male orfemale. The girls have a bit of a harder time because theirsurgery is invasive. They have stitches, etc. Boysreally get a snip snip.... sure, they have pain and incisions, but theyrecover quicker.

Bo was to be kept on minimal activity for 48 hours. He waspretty sleepy for the first night..... I held him (on a pillow) and lethim sleep on my lapmost of the day, but he likes to be heldand pet so that would be subject to bunny personality. He atea little, but not as much as usual. We really encouraged thatwith his favorite greens, plenty of pellets and of course hishay.

I kept him from hopping onto much for the 48 hours, but he didn't eventry. They seem to know what they can and can't do.The girls maybe not.... they have stitches to consider.
gjsara wrote:
ihave another question after you take them in how long should you leavethem in the cage andhow long is recovery usually average?


In the cage for a week, or at least the better part of a week, is notunheard of. Our experience with spays has been that it takesabout two weeks for things to get back to pretty much of anormal situation and about a month to a month and a half before alltraces of the procedure seems to be erased.

Some times they look "hare like" for a while because their stomachsusually are shaven for the surgery. It takes a little bit forthe fur to grow back into some semblance of normalcy, hence my abovetime-line comment.


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