UK owners - more myxomatosis outbreaks

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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2011
Reaction score
, , United Kingdom
The Earls Hall Veterinary Practice in Shoeburyness and Eastwood have just advised that in the last few days they have had to put to sleep 5 domestic rabbits suffering from Myxomatosis –all separate owners.

Two members of the public have rung the helpline for advice this morning. One rabbit owner from Stockton, Warwickshire lost her bunny yesterday. The other owner from Blundell in Liverpool lost two sisters to the virus last week . None of the rabbits was vaccinated.

Members from Cardiff and Hepstonstall West Yorks have reported seeing several cases in the wild population with myxi in the last few days.

Please ensure your rabbits are vaccinated. Myxi vaccination should be every 6 months and 10% of the vaccine should be given intradermally to ensure maximum coverage. There are 3 different VHD vaccines available and vaccination for VHD is annual.

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