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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2005
Reaction score
Freddyville, New Jersey, USA
He has them again!! ....I know its not a hugedeal ill call the vet in the AM theyll do a fecal exam and prolly giveme strongid again....Im almost positive its pinworms.. that white thingin the picture is the worm question is why would he have themagain? he is not near any other animal feces besides vicky and hers iswormless...did maybe the eggs survive from last time and thats how heget reinfested? i dunno...any suggestions on how to completely get ridof this??

and yes i took a picture of his poop lol.. the last time even though isaw worms his fecal came back negative.. now i have a picture for thevet just in case!


Ewwwwwwwwwwww . . .

Pinworms are very common in rabbits and difficult to completelyerradicate. Piperazine is commonly used and I've found thatIvermectin works very well. Freddy needs to be started on aregular de-worming program. Start out once a week for amonth, then treat every 2-3 weeks.

Bunny people and our pooptalk.....

I'll add to the Ewwwwwwww.....

Ihate the idea of worms! Mydogs used to get them sometimes. Yuk! Good luck with getting rid ofthem. PoorFreddy!

This is from the Merck Veterinary Manual:

Passalurus ambiguus , the rabbit pinworm, usually is notclinically significant but often is upsetting to owners. It is commonin many rabbitries and is distributed worldwide. Transmission is byingestion of contaminated food or water. The adult worm lives in thececum or anterior colon. Diagnosis is made by observing the adults atnecropsy or by finding the eggs during examination of the feces. Singletreatments are not very effective, because the life cycle is direct andreinfection common. Treatment of pet rabbits with piperazine citrate inthe water (3 g/L) for alternating 2-wk periods is effective. Otherparasiticides such as fenbendazole and oxyfenbendazole are alsoeffective in treating pinworm infections in rabbits. Rabbit pinwormsare not transmissable to man.

Thought it might help...
Pinworms generally don't cause any healthproblems. Just yucky :p The pinworms are VERYcommon in rabbits.


Oh, that's a relief.
Aww. Poor Freddy.

Hope that this is the last time you'll be seeing worms on Freddy!

Emmy-webby wrote:
Aww. Poor Freddy.

Hope that this is the last time you'll be seeing worms on Freddy!


Once a rabbit is infected, the pinworms are nearly impossible to wipeout. Some rabbits appear to be more prone than others.

The eggs are very light and easily spread in the rabbitenvironment. The eggs can also remain dormant for a longperiod of time.

To ease your minds -- The rodent species of pinworms do not infect humans ;)

I hate worms. My cat had them but we took her to the vet and they gave her these little tiny white pills. Good Luck with freddy.
I am picking up meds from the vet today,...butPam for the regular deworming program are those things i can buy myselfor do i have to get them thru my vet?

i feel so bad for him...hes not allowed up on my bed rightnowand he looks so sad :( he just stands therelooking at me
Both Piperazine (a commonly used rabbitde-wormer) and Ivermectin are available over the counter.However, I do advise consulting with a vet before administering anymedications.

okay so here comes the dumb question ... wherecan i buy piperazine and ivermectin? i dont have a TSC anywhere near me(theres not one in this entire state)...just lots of chain pet storesand a few mom n pop ones.
Pet stores may carry rabbit wormer (piperazine)or you can order on-line. Be sure to keep up regulartreatment, because none of the wormers kill all stages of pinworms andthe eggs can remain dormant for a long period of time.

Just got back from the vet...another dose ofstongid and then another in two weeks..i asked about regular dewormingand she said to wait and see with this treatment and if that is notsuccessful she will put him on a program

...o and did i mention i have the WIERDEST rabbit ever? he actuallyLIKES taking his medicine....personally i just think hes alilpiggy..

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