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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2007
Reaction score
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
you know when you get into something you shouldn't have, like a friends notebook or journal or email or something and you see something written in there you were never meant to see, but you do and it just hurts your feelings?

that just happened to me. and it was someones email that i should never have seen. and it was literally a list of things that bothers them about me. and i don't even like this person, and i have a list of things i hate about them too. but i don't like to see it back. i mean, no one does. its very hypocritical. but its true.

wow that hurt.

Thats never happened to me... however when i was in a sorority in college one of my line sister was venting in an email to another sister and in there she basically talked really bad about all the new girls who just got initiated.

So, my line sister thought that she was emailing just one sister but in fact had accidently emailed the ENITRE sorority about how she felt about us. It was SOOO bad. It caused SO much tension... and the worst part was is that she never officially apoligized to us in person. Just a "Oops, that was not meant for you to read this" email. Even though it was not about me it still hurt.

I'm sorry to hear that you stumbled across that email.
I'm sorry that happened to you...I've had it happen, too, and it's always difficult.

Takes a few days to get past...but know that sometimes people vent, and don't REALLY feel that awful about others...but just have to get out some emotions or thoughts they're having so they can move on and forgive, let it go, etc.

It's funny, too, because it's always someone you KNEW had a problem with you, but you didn't know FOR SURE, until you see that. LOL!

Hugs to you...let me know if you need to vent or talk about it, ok?

[email protected] (I'm on MSN Messenger, too.)


Tracy, I know exactly what you mean! When I was dating my Ex about two years ago I popped into his e-mail to delete something I had accidentaly sent him, clicked on the wrong e-mail, and found a love letter to another girl :shock:yeah... that was awfull...

:hug:feel free to PM me anytime if you need to talk.
well he is the graduate student in the neuroscience lab i work in, and none of us (the undergrads) get along with him. so a few weeks ago it all came to the point where we were telling our lab mentor about it and were all going nuts about him and he was going nuts about us, so eddie (lab mentor) assigned us all the assignment to make a long list about everything ryan had ever done to hurt us or bother us. each of us had to make our own individual list and not consult each other about it and ryan was told to make a list about all of us.

edited to tell you the point of the list, haha
the reason why he made us do that was so that when we were done, we could go through every single point and case and think about what WE could have done to make the situation better, and to learn that taking responsibility does not always mean taking the blame.

of course his list was apparently mostly about me. i never should have seen it. now everytime i see him i get this flush feeling behind my face and i'm very self conscious about how i'm portraying myself because i don't want to give him more "ammunition".

i'm glad you guys all know what i'm talking about, but i'm sorry it has happened to you before too.

UGH. so lame.


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