Ugh...too much pain...

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
This is so frustrating...I am in SO MUCH PAIN!! :(

I know either tomorrow or the next day, I'll be okay...but today, I'm having so much pain with my endometriosis, it's just awful!! It's so hard to post ANYTHING, and even in trying to avoid saying anything harsh, I still wound up doing so...

I think I handled it now, hopefully...but what I meant came off so harsh in my words...the pain I'm in just came right on through...ugh!

Why oh why does this have to be so difficult...:tears2:

I honestly try SO HARD to post things that are happy, and won't start a heated discussion, and wow...just lost that today...:( I feel so bad...I'm trying not to get all emotional, but it's difficult! :(

And ya know what sucks? When I was younger, I didn't get cramps or ANYTHING with my periods...they were so painless and just nothing to me...but that's completely changed since having I have such a huge amount of pain, and I'm in bed for one or two days straight...and I'm just TIRED of it!! Don't you think that someone that has a 10lb baby naturally (read: epidural not working) should get the REWARD of continuing unpainful periods??

The most frustrating part of it all...I have SO MUCH I need to do...homeschooling...RO the buns' litterboxes...the list just goes on!! And I can't seem to do ANY of it completely! It's so frustrating...:tears2:

Anyway, just needed to vent a little of how I'm feeling right now, and ask for a bit of forgiveness for posting something controversial and in such a way that came off so harsh...I truly didn't mean to...I promise.

Please let me know if I handled it correctly and fixed my posts enough that it takes off at least some of the edge in my post....and feel free to do any additional handlings...:(

Love to ya'll,

I'm so sorry you're going through this! I know someone that had cysts on her ovaries and had surgery TODAY. It's my coworker's daughter. Both her daughters are my age, mid 30s and they both have Endo.

Have you gone to the doctor to see if maybe you have cysts? Her daughter starting bleeding irregularly, which is how they found it and did the tests.

I hope you can get a handle on this. It has to be miserable. I'm so sorry hon.

I don't think your post was out of hand at all, by the way, it's fine!:D
Thank you so much, Crystal. :)

Yeah, I've had ovarian cysts before...and had one burst a couple years ago. That was more pain than it was to have my daughter! Literally! I hope I NEVER have to experience that again. It happened right in the middle of my workday, and I had to drive over two hours home from work, and then to the dr's on my own. Still don't know how I did it! :shock: Needless to say, I stayed home from work for a couple days afterward...took some time to recoup from that one...

Anyway, yeah...every month, I worry that it'll happen again because the dr told me that it's the most common time for them to burst...and now that one has with me before, I'm more at risk. :(

But...I keep my hopes up...:D

Anyway, thanks for letting me know my post was okay...I feel so bad. I try SO HARD not to let how I'm feeling reflect in my posts...

Hugs and love!


Geez Rosie, don't worry. You are so overly nice,that won't happen. You're awesome!

Hey, have you ever considered a Hysterectomy and just be done with this pain? Something to think about. Then you'll never have to worry about this pain or a cyst bursting ever again.;)

Actually, yeah, I've been contemplating getting one for years...but I want to be ABSOLUTELY sure Danny and I don't want anymore kids before I do. I mean, I'm quite dang certain now...but wanna wait a few years...until I'm 30...before doing it. Does that make sense?

I'm quite certain I've had a couple miscarriages, too, so it's certainly not a bad idea to have a fact, I think a dr might just recommend one at this rate!

But...I'll give it a few years first. Never know what'll happen! :)

So, to answer your question: I PLAN on it!
Why put yourself through all this though? I don't think you should wait too much longer. Yes, a doctor would recommend it, I'm almost certain of that.

If Danny did want another child, what could happen to you or the child during pregnancy at this rate? May not be good.

Just looking out for you hon. You may want to talk to Danny a bit about it. I know you have sooo much going right now, and you'd rather put yourself last, but, isn't it about time?;)

Maybe if you get a chance, get an appt with your dr and just discuss the options. It certainly would give you some peace of mind, and you need it and deserve that. Ask Oprah anytime, you can't be there for your family or your pets as much, if you don't put yourself first sometimes, and take care of yourself.:hug:

Please, feel free to pm me anytime with any of this, okay? Even if you need to vent a bit. Really! I don't want to see you miserable!;)
Aww...Crystal, you're so sweet!! :big kiss:

You're absolutely should be a priority, especially since I'm quite certain neither of us will be changing our mind about having another child.

I'll talk to him tonight about it, and see what he thinks...

Thanks for helping me put it into better perspective! :)

You're so wonderful...:)
Rosie! Anytime! And You're so welcome, glad I could help. Yay. I feel good just to have helped you out in your own head:D.

Good Luck hon!:hug::pink iris: Let me know how it goes. Pm me anytime sweetie.
Ugh...the pain's a bit better...but to word this? Well, I'm having to shower a lot, is all I'll say. I'm slightly worried at the rate and size of "things"...but it's a regular occurance with me, unfortunately. If you want to know exactly what I mean, PM's just not something that's easy to talk about on a forum where people might get uncomfortable with the information.

But...the pain RIGHT NOW is a bit better. I just woke we'll see how it fares later in the day (usually gets worse as the day progresses).

I hope today's easier...I couldn't do school with Em yesterday, and I feel HORRIBLE...she SO BADLY wanted to do math and such, too! (She gets really eager with learning...:biggrin2:).

I'm listening to some traditional Irish music to help me stay calm and relaxed...hope that helps.

Talked to Danny last night, and we agreed that a hysterectomy is in our future plans now (we do have to move, get the other buns here, get other financial things handled first, but it WON'T be last priority...just not the first), and we agreed that I shouldn't have to continue going through this. Last month wasn't horrible, it was actually chilled out enough that I was wondered if I'd kicked this "problem"...but this month, boy did it come back with a vengeance!! :grumpy:

I realize now that it's not something I'll just wake up one day and not have...and it just needs a final handling...which would be the surgery. I think I'll talk to my dr when we have the money to see her (we've SO MANY THINGS we NEED to spend the money on right now, that it does have to wait, unfortunately), but it was something she recommended originally and mentioned was really the only definitive handling for endometriosis. So, we'll go back and let her know we'd just like to go that route.

I've never had surgery of any sort before, so it's scary...but a couple/few weeks of recovery vs two or three days every month of being out-of-commission...I choose the recovery period, thank you!

Anyway, thanks for talking with me, and being so's scary to go through so much craziness every month...:?

You guys are the BEST!! :D

Love and hugs,


P.S. I still find it odd that before I had Em, I never really cramped, had any soreness, never broke out, ANYTHING when I had my period...not to mention it was regular to the day and HOUR every month...and AFTER having her, I get this horrible pain, and other things, and suffer so badly each month. I don't break out...but boy do I get everything else! Ugh! :grumpy:
Hi Rosie,

This might be odd coming from a guy....but my wife suffered from endometriosis for years and years so I have seen what happens there. I have seen her so sick and inso much pain she wished she would die. And rabbits get something like it too. There is a drugcalled Lupron that has been used with this condition.It works by controlling the release of certain hormones. In men, it isused sometimes to treat prostate cancer. In women, endometriosis and fibroid tumors and is also used in pre-teen girls for early puberty. It is also used in some male rabbits for post-neuter maleissues.Like any drug, there are always side effects to it's use. My wife took quite a few monthly injections...more than should have been but it was the only way to control the disabling symptoms short ofa "spay" (had to use that word since I can't correctly spell the real word for it). She eventually conviced her doctor (at age 25) that we did not want children and he finally agreed to"fix" her. It wasn't an easy surgery for her...and the change in hormones do cause some issues. She does take several medications thatshe will most likely be on the rest of her life. But shefeels the "spay" surgery was the correct decision.

If you would like to contact her...I am sure she would be happy to talk with you about it. She suffered for over 10 years with it....her first doctor said it was all in her imagination. I am not a doctor and knew better than that. Her name is Holly and her e-mail is [email protected] if you would like to chat with her about it.

Oh, thank you so much, Randy and Ali. As soon as I'm more in my right mind, I'll talk to both of them about this. I'm also going to try to find a forum where I can ask other fellow women about it, and get as many opinions as I can. The more informed I am, the better I'll feel about it all.

So, thank you so much. I'll send an email to Holly probably later on today, Randy. And Ali, I'll probably take you up on talking to your mom soon. :)

You guys are wonderful!

I would really like to just have "things" out and have it over with...but also don't want to put my own health at risk for other things. I know 27 is quite young to consider it, but I've honestly had it in the forefront of my mind for probably five years now as the solution for this. At this point, I would honestly take whatever side effects from having my "girlie bits" out than the immense pain and general insanity that the endometriosis causes for me. I'm so tired of this, and I can tell it's wearing my body down each month...

But, I'll get lots of information about it before making a decision, don't worry! :)

I'm just now seeing this thread - and I want to say I'm sorry. I understand a bit about this - never have suffered like you - but close - and I have wound up anemic sometimes after major issues w/ this.

I've been offline most of the weekend and so busy all the rest of the time between bunnies, work, etc. that I sometimes wonder if I'm coming or going!

I hope you're feeling better and I hope that insurance kicks in soon!

Aww...Peg, thank you so much!!

This time around was really difficult, and really made me reconsider a lot of things I'd decided to do or not do as far as my response to having this...

It also helped me put lots of things in my life in better perspective...and I realized I was just trying to do too much in general.

I wish I had better self-control as far as what I commit myself to, but honestly, I naturally am so eager to want to help so many people, I cannot promise that I'll do better at thinking before committing...hehe!!

BUT...the good thing is I'm forcing myself to stick to my limitations and STOP allowing myself to go over them constantly. It only hurts myself and my family in the end...

So, ultimately, I guess in a round-about way this WAS a good thing to go through..but I LIKE thinking I'm Wonder Woman and thinking I can save the world! :D

Hehe!! I'm such a goof...but Danny keeps me grounded...which is why we're such a wonderful couple! :D

Hugs and LOADS of love to you!!

Pray for me, guys...just started my period about an hour ago, and I'm already in SO MUCH PAIN...

One of my cousins (really, Danny's cousin) suggested it might also be I'm trying to read up on that...

Oh, pray for me...we were going to play D&D later on...and I just can't do anything around here being in as much pain as I'm already in...and unfortunately, I think it'll just get worse...


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