Well-Known Member
This is so frustrating...I am in SO MUCH PAIN!! 
I know either tomorrow or the next day, I'll be okay...but today, I'm having so much pain with my endometriosis, it's just awful!! It's so hard to post ANYTHING, and even in trying to avoid saying anything harsh, I still wound up doing so...
I think I handled it now, hopefully...but what I meant came off so harsh in my words...the pain I'm in just came right on through...ugh!
Why oh why does this have to be so difficult...:tears2:
I honestly try SO HARD to post things that are happy, and won't start a heated discussion, and wow...just lost that today...
I feel so bad...I'm trying not to get all emotional, but it's difficult! 
And ya know what sucks? When I was younger, I didn't get cramps or ANYTHING with my periods...they were so painless and just nothing to me...but that's completely changed since having I have such a huge amount of pain, and I'm in bed for one or two days straight...and I'm just TIRED of it!! Don't you think that someone that has a 10lb baby naturally (read: epidural not working) should get the REWARD of continuing unpainful periods??
The most frustrating part of it all...I have SO MUCH I need to do...homeschooling...RO the buns' litterboxes...the list just goes on!! And I can't seem to do ANY of it completely! It's so frustrating...:tears2:
Anyway, just needed to vent a little of how I'm feeling right now, and ask for a bit of forgiveness for posting something controversial and in such a way that came off so harsh...I truly didn't mean to...I promise.
Please let me know if I handled it correctly and fixed my posts enough that it takes off at least some of the edge in my post....and feel free to do any additional handlings...
Love to ya'll,
I know either tomorrow or the next day, I'll be okay...but today, I'm having so much pain with my endometriosis, it's just awful!! It's so hard to post ANYTHING, and even in trying to avoid saying anything harsh, I still wound up doing so...
I think I handled it now, hopefully...but what I meant came off so harsh in my words...the pain I'm in just came right on through...ugh!
Why oh why does this have to be so difficult...:tears2:
I honestly try SO HARD to post things that are happy, and won't start a heated discussion, and wow...just lost that today...
And ya know what sucks? When I was younger, I didn't get cramps or ANYTHING with my periods...they were so painless and just nothing to me...but that's completely changed since having I have such a huge amount of pain, and I'm in bed for one or two days straight...and I'm just TIRED of it!! Don't you think that someone that has a 10lb baby naturally (read: epidural not working) should get the REWARD of continuing unpainful periods??
The most frustrating part of it all...I have SO MUCH I need to do...homeschooling...RO the buns' litterboxes...the list just goes on!! And I can't seem to do ANY of it completely! It's so frustrating...:tears2:
Anyway, just needed to vent a little of how I'm feeling right now, and ask for a bit of forgiveness for posting something controversial and in such a way that came off so harsh...I truly didn't mean to...I promise.
Please let me know if I handled it correctly and fixed my posts enough that it takes off at least some of the edge in my post....and feel free to do any additional handlings...
Love to ya'll,