ugh, stupid heart!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
, Michigan, USA
well, i was back at the dr. again . . . i had another bout of racing heart/panic attack.

they are going to try a different med, and i have to for sure go in for an echo now, great.

i wish this would just stop. . .

i wasn't even doing anything stressfull, i was just picking the apt. up before heading downstate to pick up mammit from christine, then wham! heart racing, shaking, dizzy, felt like i was walking and breathing thru "thick" air. thank god my roommate was here to get me to the dr. only trouble was that by the time we got there i was almost back to normal, so she couldn't listen to my heart during an attack. . .

ggrrrr. . .

so much for going downstate to pick up the new foster today, guess i will wait till tomorrow. . .

now i am just relaxing, watching a movie on the couch with a mug of herbal tea and RO'ing

just had to vent, medical fustrations are not fun
Hey Kat i dont know the whole story of what is going on, but when i was younger (as i am a geeser now,lol) I had these things where out of no where my heart would start racing, and feel like it was pounding out of my chest, i would feel panicky like it was a panic attack, and would be hard to breath.

Well after this test and that test on my heart , and an asthma test, it was found out that i am caffeine sensative and that it was a reaction to large doses of caffiene. Obviously i cant say that is what is going on with you but you might want to consider cutting back drastically on your caffiene intake and see , in the mean time, if it subsides.

good luck i hope whatever it is they find it so you can fix it
we thought about the caffine issue as well, i have cut it almost entirely out.

i drink mostly herbal teas, allowing myself to have a green or black tea once in a while, i went from drinking coffee every day to once every week or two (if that, hey i can't be perfect, i LOVE coffee, and since my roommate manages a coffee shop, i get the good stuff at home), i cut out pop, and drink only pure juices or water with a lemon slice in it. i also cut back my chocolate intake as that has some element of caffine in it (and i like the dark 80% cocoa stuff too).

i have already changed my diet, i really only eat healthy food, fresh, natural, no artifical junk. i make myself eat 3 meals a day (i use to get 1 and a 1/2 if lucky just because i get so busy i forget to eat).

i drink organic milk, eat farm fresh eggs, i eat no red meat, only lean white, and only a few times a week. normally i stick with veggies, nuts, fish, and soy products. i cook with olive oil instead of butter. i cook my own dinner every night, normally eat oatmeal for breakfast, and i eat a salad at work every day

i take no diet pills, i only take my medications from my doctor and a daily vit.

i am running out of things i can try to change in my life to help this. i am afraid of working out for the simple fact that the last time it happened i had an attack. i am a naturally active person, my job is moving all day long, i don't sit on the couch watching tv when i am out of work. i sleep a normal 8 hours a night, i go to bed the same time about every night, and wake up the same time every day, even on my days off.

i am just fusterated!
Have they talked about giving you an event monitor? You wear them for 30 days and when you have an 'event' you trigger it and then it tracks what your heart was doing for the last minute or so. Then you call it in to a service and then it goes on to your dr. I've done that 4-5x...its a pain, but if the attacks aren't frequent it may be the only way to tell what is happening and capture it.

I went thru that kinda stuff for over 2 years before they finally gave me somewhat of a resolution. I have had 3 cathedar ablations and the last one they basically fried so much that my rate was way to low and now I have a p/m. I still have erratic beats but that insane fast thing is under control now, and the other I get when I get run down and/or sick the worst. It sucks, but its better than it was.

I could be doing absolutely nothing but sitting down and my rate would spike to 140+, one of the ablations they got it as high as about 180. Like I said, the event monitor is what finally caught that.

G/L, trust me, 8 cardiologists and over 2 years later...I COMPLETELY understand what you are going thru...hang in there and if you have questions, ask, I'll do what I can to answer them.
Don't worry about venting, like you said, it's not fun at all- doesnt' sound it! It's typical that when you get to the doctors aswell it's over- that always happens with me and my dizziness- the appointment lands ona 'good day'. Grrr!

At least they're doing something to try and see what it is.... Hopefully they'll get to the bottom of it...

Good luck, and take care of youself! :hug:

Jen xx
Hey Katt

I had these pop out of nowhere this year too and they are pretty scary. My heart rate was at 165 when I got to the ER (sent by a local nurse) and they hospitalized me. I was put on Bisprolol but they later found that I had sleep apnea and they said that that mixed with my asthma and infections was causing it. So, if you are often very tired, you should consider a sleep study :)

I hope they figure it out and that you feel better soon :rose:
