Ugh someones gonna be spoiled

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Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2011
Reaction score
kents store, Virginia, USA
I was at Walmart looking at the produce and wanted to get some Cilantro for Scamper because he loves it. I've be trying out herbs and Fancy Parsley is a no go. Anyhow I looked at the Cilantro and thought wow I can't feed that to my bunny. It was all spotty so I guess he will have to wait to have it some other time. Picked up some fresh cranberries to try out.
Ooh! Try going to a flower shop and getting some parsley or cilantro seeds! So you can grow your own and be absolutely sure what's in your food!
Scamper is gorgeous! He deserves it! Give him a BIG hug from me!

Well Walmart could spray it with pesticides,have it frozen in an artificial freezer, the list is endless.
Well give him a piece of that nice fresh parsley from me! Also with a crasin on top!
Yeah Walmarts' veggie section is always a little lacking. I go to a regular grocery store for that. Bad enough that I shop there as it is.
Nothing in produce ever looks great but they are 10min away and the next closest is 30 min :(. I guess I need to get my mom to grow some cilantro I have a black thumb.
Q-tip is currently staring at the little herb garden I have growing on my windowsill. Basil, parsley, and cilantro. Currently they're just about an inch high, but she's looking at them like "okay mom, I know these will be yummy. Can I? Just a bite?"
Parsley is incredibly easy to grow. I used to teach pre-school, and the 4 year olds could do it. I promise, you can grow parsley.
I'm very excited that a coworker gave me a hydroponic garden set up. I just ordered edible flower seeds to grow flowers to garnish the bun's salads. I can get reasonably priced organic parsley and cilantro, but flowers I never trust not to be sprayed with stuff. This way I know it will be safe. :)

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