Ugh I hate paying bills!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
rocky hill, Connecticut, USA
Ok so with the two of us out of work for a few months we just got by. Thank god somethings we had protection plans so we called and they gave us a few months no bills, no fees and so on.

Well back in July I called the gas company because I noticed are bill was lower than usual. Ok so they send someone to check because it is not registering any usage. Ok so the meter was dead. Change it should be fine. Ok now I call them they say don't worry you overpaid before so we will send you the bill but we will work off that and you will see when you have to pay.

Okay so November We get a bill that we owe $6.80. Ok so pay that. Than December We getone ENVELOPE with TWO bills. One is a bill for the last few months dated $304.32! That bill date is 12/04/07. Service date 10/02/06-7/31/07(when I called). The other bill is $413.10. Dated 12/05//07 for the service period 7/31/07-11/28/07. I call them and they say it is past months that they estimated! Than get a bill for $476.34 for service period 11/28/07-12/29/07.

Ok call set up a payment plan on 1/16/08 I pay $176.34(done). Than on 2/16/08 I pay $150.00(done). Than 3/16/08 I pay $150.00. That would cover the past bills and clear it out. Ok I got a new bill of course the past do of $300 (which I paid $150.00 on Friday) the new bill is $46.17. Next reading is 2/28. So If I can pay that $46.17 before the next reading than I know I can pay the $150March 8th. It would leave me with just the current bill.

Ok so yea not so bad IF we weren't still just getting over the last few months. Eh by next month EVERYTHING will be caught up and manageable.

Did I mention Robs hours were cut till ATLEAST April.

Oh I know what you mean. It's been hard on everyone this year even without having a lack of work! The gas prices are killing us! It costs about $50 to fill up my truck and I need about 2 tanks a week!

We're playing catch up right now too.... ugh!
That sucks you guys! We are playing catchup too, living on one income with one car in for body work totalling $2500, the other in for mechanical, forgot to pay last months internet, this months powerbill is about twice as high as it should be, arrrgh! Now the lanloard wants to up the rent to $330 a WEEK to cover painting the house and some roof repairs :grumpy:.
We just had the oil tank was $750....
....last fill-up was $350 for the same amount.

Just got the new property tax bill, too......$7500...
...last year it was $3600. They reassessed everybody's property and were supposed to use a new formula that made things come out about the same.....yeah okay.

I'm going to go bag up some bunnie poop and see if I can sell it on ebay.

So is bunny poop that valuable? People on my Freecycle group are emailing me incessantly asking if they can come clean out my barn for free poop?

My husband says no because he wants it for his garden..
Here's a small article I did on poop a while back:

Rabbit Manure and it's Potential:

Rabbit manure consists of 2.5% Nitrogen, 1.4% Phosphoric Acid and 0.6% Potassium.

In general terms, rabbits have some really great poo... if you know how to use it.

Nitrogen is a wonderful growing agent for plants, both free growing and potted. Nitrogen actually breaks down into organic compounds, primarily amino acids. Due to the slow time-release of the breakdown this makes rabbit droppings ideal to add to regular ground dirt during the "off season" in order to strengthen the soils properties.

Many people use rabbit droppings to help fertilize their plants and soil but there is a cautionary note to this:

Soil that contains too much phosphorus can lead to a plants decreased ability to absorb the needed micro nutrients, zinc and iron. Owners of lawns that grow St Augustine grass need to show caution when using large amounts of rabbit manure in flower beds, as this type of grass is extremely prone to iron and zinc deficiencies.

A person with the mind to work soil in the yard or garden ahead of time can easily plan the next years' beds and plots towards the close of growing season. Planning ahead not only allows a person to envision their future gardening ideas, but by adding manure throughout time you avoid some costly consequences of last minute detailing. Working ahead of time byadding manure to areas, tilling the beds and composting in advance allows high phosphorus levels to dissipate and gives nitrogen time to break down into its most useful form.

The easiest way to incorporate rabbit manure onto your property is to maintain a compost pile. However, this isn't always an available option to people without ground of their own to work with. Small compost bins can be made through some ingenuity using regular dirt, manure and the usually fillers - all worked together in rubbermaid containers of those similar to the brand. Small scale composting is an excellent way for a person to recycle as well as work with controlled amounts of rich soil, perfect for those with indoor plants or plants that must be wintered inside.

Haha - I just have to worry about bunny bills, money to go out and paying off my america trip. :raspberry: And saving for Uni..

Sorry, not helping.. :?

Nah I'm just kidding, really sorry you people are having troubles :hug:, nice to know I've got it all ahead of me. :dunno
Leaf wrote:
Here's a small article I did on poop a while back:

Rabbit Manure and it's Potential:

Nice job!!
Did I see that you were adding it to our Bunny 101 Library??;)

We had a thread a long time ago about this. It may have gotten lost in the move, but I'll see if I can find it.
It would make a nice RO Member Thread link.
There was a lot ofinfo on composting, making a "poo soup fertilizer", etc.
I had also found an article comparing composting of shavings, wood pellets, etc.

We kind of hijacked this thread.:embarrassed:

Sorry, Ali!!

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