Ugh! I hate going to the doctor. :(

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Elf Mommy

Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
Elven Grove, Florida, USA
My husband seems to thrive on going to the doctor. He is constantly in and out of the office. I don't begrudge him this. I am sure he feels every pain he takes there. I am sure he feels better once he gets this or that medicine, this or that advice, this or that test. The tests always seem to come back negative.


I have to renew my handicap tag. It expired at the end of July. I called Friday and waited and waited and waited. My doctor's office called back Monday and said he wants to see me before I can get it renewed.


It feels like being called to the Principal's office.

I soooooooooo don't want to be interrogated about why I still need this darn thing.

I mean, there are days, when I feel like I'm walking JUST fine. Then there are days when every single movement of my leg hurts like metal scraping against bone (of course, it's NOT, because the metal is attached by 12 screws!).

So, in 2 hours I have to go to the doctor's office. I'm sure I'll get dirty looks about my weight (6 months in a wheel chair and 10 months out, I've gained weight...another ugh). I'm sure he'll give me crap about not being up to snuff on walking yet....sigh....

In addition to all that...I'm crampy and yucky and nauseas and achy and.... blah.

My husband loves our doctor. I don't. I get a quiet dude who gives me looks and then asks me 15 questions about my husband.

I hate doctors. :(

Almost wants to make me say, "forget it! I'll just be in pain!"

I'm totally overreacting, but I'm in such a mood.

sorry for the rant!

awh, i have to travel for 2 and a half hours on friday to get to the doctors about my heart to be told, no, we did not frind anything wrong with it, just recored the attacts and come up again another time :X
i know how you feel sort of... some times i hate docs aswell.
i hope you feel better:hug:
I feel ya on the weight gainfrom sitting in a wheelchair! Luckily I was just 5 months but still used it outside of the house for a total of 6 months. It was a walker or cane until June. So still nothing that would allow activity to help with weight loss. I was also having complications and still do from having the gallbladder removed. So the healthy food has been out too.. salads, fruits except applesauce, etc. Basically the body agrees with the meat and potato diet minus the red meat.

I've got to make an appointment sometime here soon to get my handicap perment renewed as mine expired Aug 1.I don't use it unless it's needed so it's not being abused. :) If I have someone with me and there's a parking spot within reason, it's normal parking spot unless it's clear out in ten buck two. Since the driving on my own is starting, I won't have someone with me incase I need a shoulder to hold on to after getting warn out! I hate to go in just to do that especially when it's quite ovious that I still need it and spend $80 to say so! (I can move my ankle up like 2 cm as theres no mobility beyond that and my grandparents walk laps around me!)

Are you getting yours renewed through your family doctor? I was released from my surgeon whom I adored and hegave everything and plus to makean uncomfortablesituation to a tolerable point. Don't get me wrong,Ilike my family doctor too but I didn't start using her until less then a year ago. My first appointment was to issue ultrasounds andx-rays to determine gallstones so that's what she knows me through (Needless to say, I'm on medications to assist for the lack of). She has very limited knowledge on the lower leg/ankle issues because as of May she still had no 'reports'. So I'll have to go in and explain and give proof some how to her. AllI have to show her is a copy of a report my lawyer recieved from the surgeon, my previous handicap permit, surgeon's release back to work note back from May and of course the 'walking into the office'. Not looking forward to that and I still have to make an appointment to see the family doctor.

Hope your trip to the principal's office isn't 'too bad'!
I hope it all goes smooth for you at the doc's.

I had a temp handicap tag after my last back surgery.
There are days I wish I still had it....and it's been over 3 years now.

I feel for you. If it makes you feel better I've been to the docs three times today and I HATE the doctors.

Just think that in X amount of time it will be over and done with. Plan something really nice for after so that you have something to look forward too and are not just focusing on the sucky doctors.

Let us know how you go. I hope its quicker and better than you think!
Dwarf_Angel04 wrote:
I feel ya on the weight gainfrom sitting in a wheelchair! Luckily I was just 5 months but still used it outside of the house for a total of 6 months. It was a walker or cane until June. So still nothing that would allow activity to help with weight loss. I was also having complications and still do from having the gallbladder removed. So the healthy food has been out too.. salads, fruits except applesauce, etc. Basically the body agrees with the meat and potato diet minus the red meat.

I've got to make an appointment sometime here soon to get my handicap perment renewed as mine expired Aug 1.I don't use it unless it's needed so it's not being abused. :) If I have someone with me and there's a parking spot within reason, it's normal parking spot unless it's clear out in ten buck two. Since the driving on my own is starting, I won't have someone with me incase I need a shoulder to hold on to after getting warn out! I hate to go in just to do that especially when it's quite ovious that I still need it and spend $80 to say so! (I can move my ankle up like 2 cm as theres no mobility beyond that and my grandparents walk laps around me!)

Are you getting yours renewed through your family doctor? I was released from my surgeon whom I adored and hegave everything and plus to makean uncomfortablesituation to a tolerable point. Don't get me wrong,Ilike my family doctor too but I didn't start using her until less then a year ago. My first appointment was to issue ultrasounds andx-rays to determine gallstones so that's what she knows me through (Needless to say, I'm on medications to assist for the lack of). She has very limited knowledge on the lower leg/ankle issues because as of May she still had no 'reports'. So I'll have to go in and explain and give proof some how to her. AllI have to show her is a copy of a report my lawyer recieved from the surgeon, my previous handicap permit, surgeon's release back to work note back from May and of course the 'walking into the office'. Not looking forward to that and I still have to make an appointment to see the family doctor.

Hope your trip to the principal's office isn't 'too bad'!

Yes, it was my family doctor. I'm just not that close to him. I don't get sick very much so he rarely sees me. He sees my husband all the time.

Luckily, I pleaded my case. I do have to go in for a full round of blood work (ugh! I hate getting blood drawn!!!) but he gave me a permanent handicap tag. Now I don't have to go through the renewal thing again until 2013. big relief there!

thank you, wasn't so bad, but I hate the time it takes, too

Jim...I'm sorry you weren't able to keep it. I understand that there are days you'd want it

Tracy...three times in one day???? ugh! I don't think I could handle that well
Hooray for getting your perm. tag! I remember the crap my mum had to go through when she got her perm. "cripple sticker" (She called it that! Always look on the bright side of life, I guess!) She had back surgery that was botched after a small fender-bender a few months later. They almost took her tag away twice, but just gave in and gave her the pretty blue, perm. one.

Congrats on "passing"!
Elf Mommy wrote:
Luckily, I pleaded my case. I do have to go in for a full round of blood work (ugh! I hate getting blood drawn!!!) but he gave me a permanent handicap tag. Now I don't have to go through the renewal thing again until 2013. big relief there!
I'm glad you got that over with, but of course not happy for 'why'!

I just got mine renewed today. I too was nervous about getting mine renewed since the family doc had not done any treatment, etc. She walked in the room and sat down with her pad to write out the perscription. She didn't ask to see me walk or even look at the foot. She didn't ask to see any 'paperwork' from the surgeon but I had his evaluation to my lawyer with me and volunteered to let her see it. We talked fora few minutes about her nephew's injury from a car accident and said good luck in locating a job. It was real quick process and I was out the door within 15 minutes of walking in to the building.So I'm setuntil 2014. ;)
I'm so glad that he was helpful and gave you a longer term one. FAR easier :)

And yes, three times (plus one emergency phone call). Not the best day of my life, lol.
LuvaBun wrote:
:hug: Glad you got a permanent tag.

When do you have to go for the blood work? Will it be the same guy? - it's awful when you don't feel comfortable with a doctor :(

It's done at a lab. They gave me a brochure with directions. I was hoping that hubby could drive me, but it doesn't look like that will happen, unfortunately. blah... Maybe I'll call my sis and see if she can drive me...

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