UGH! Harper and Haley's bonding didn't go well...

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
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Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
Well, it went alright at first. They sniffed, he ignored her, they sniffed some more. Than Haley loosened up and wasn't so nervous, then she kind of followed him for a minute, they sniffed some more, then BOOM! Harper started humping her like a freakin' pervert! I mean hard core humping... her butt, her back, her head, her face... that freak! And he's neutered! Why is he doing this, is it because she ISN'T spayed? Will he quit once she is spayed? I don't want them going together if he is going to hump her constantly. She's not going with him right now anyways, I just wanted to introduce them. But still... jeesh. He kept chinning her too... like rubbing his chin all over her. After he started humping her (see 2nd video), I seperated them and put them back in their cages.

Here's some pics of the bonding, and video.




He is doing that to show his dominance over her. Since she is so young, I wouldn't recommend anymore bonding sessions until she is a little older. Try in another month. You have to give her time to become used to you and her surroundings. She is still very young, remember. Don't want to stress her out.

Yeah, they definitely won't be meeting again for quite some time.

I was going to try putting them together when she is 3-4 months old. When this time comes, will he continue to hump her? I don't want that to lead to fighting. Or will he eventually quit and get used to her? Do you think he will quit once she is spayed?

From the first video, do you feel the first bonding went well? They didn't fight or anything, and he sniffed her for a few minutes, as did she,before he began being a perv.
Hey there

Sharon is right. Basically, whena rabbit hasnt ever had another mate, he really doesnt know how to communicate with he does what is natural to him..either biting or humping to try and establish his dominance. Sometimes they just do it because, again, they really dont know what else to do with this new friend.

At least he wasnt being mean to her. Thats a good sign. I would wait a little while, have her spayed, and try again. I think they will eventually become forever friends.

Good Luck!


PS. When I first introduced Basil and Max they fought like crazy..eventually I got them to be in the same room without fighting, but Max would hump Basil (especially his head!). It was up to Basil to show him this was not acceptable behavior..and he did :)

I would say that's a perfect first meeting and that they could easily become a good match. In the first video when Harper went near her and she put her head down and stayed still that's her saying 'I'm not a threat to your leadership'. When Harper humps her he's saying 'I'm the boss'.

You need to let him do that though and not push him off. What you'll find is as they spend longer together he'll do that less and less. Though even neutered, long term pairs still do it occationally. Not just the boys eithers, the girls will quite happily have a go too!

The initial ignoring was them sizing each other up. That tends to progress to the dominant bunny humping the other each time he/she moves. Eventually he'll get bored of that and there might be a bit more ignoring, some washing and then they lie down looking bored. If you're lucky they stuggle down together. Usually it's interspersed with a bit more humping incase she's forgotton who is the leader.

If you have a day spare then put them together in the morning and stay with them all day to keep an eye. You'll probably find by evening they'll be paired up and the humping will have lessoned alot. You can distract them with food if he gets too enthusiastic. It will then gradually lesson alot more over the next week that they're living together.

A lot of humping and a little bit of chasing are a perfectly normal part of bonding :)

Ps. What gorgeous bunnies!
They look just fine.
Harper has to hump to show dominance.

Females will do that to other females too, to have top dog stasis.

As long as vicious fighting and biting doesn't occur, bonding could work.
I'm just worried when Haley gets older, she might want to be top dog (bun). :D

Rainbows! :)
I guess Harper has a girlfriend!!!

I think they will get along fine.
Thank you thank you thank you! That makes me feel SO much better! Tamsin, you are extremely knowledgable with bunnies, are you a breeder or a vet or something? Your information is fantastic! Thanks everybody, I feel to relieved, and so happy that this is going to work.

Should I wait a whole month before putting them together again, as Sharon said? Or could I wait a week or two, and then let them meet again?

As I mentioned before, she is too small to go with him permanently right now. When she gets bigger, whenshe is around 3-4 months old, then she will permanently go with him when they bond.
I definitely agree to wait until she's older, she's way to young to be putting that kind of stress on her, especially in a new home. When I put Zoey and Mocha together for the first time when Zoey was only 4 months, there was a lot of chasing and biting on Mocha's behalf (no humping but at that point I had no intentions of bonding until Zoey was spayed). After that I housed them side by side for 6 months and about a month and a half after Zoey's spay, I put them together and I had barely any problems -- a few nips and a little bit of minor chasing but within 3 weeks they were inseprable. It really helps to house them side by side for a few weeks at least and to wait until she's spayed. ou don;t have to, but it makes things so much easier!
I am certainly no bonding expert, I am still in the middle of trying to bond my two bunnies Layla and Rodney, but I definately agree with what MyBabyBunnies has said. 5 weeks is very young, and I would wait until Haley grows older and matures a bit before trying to bond them. You could use that time to develop a bond with her yourself, and give her a chance to settle into her new home. With my two buns, keeping their cages side by side (with a gap inbetween) for a few months has really helped them get used to eachother before I began the bonding sessions. Good luck, and your new bun Haley is absolutely gorgeous. :inlove:
Omg! When I was looking at your newest pics of the two bonding, I didnt watch the videos at first, and now I just did. That was hilarious! I love harper even more now :)

I would say that it went great! You are so lucky...Having three boys I have never seen a bonding session that didnt involve biting and grunting! Good for Harper. They will be just fine together. But again, I would wait and let your little girl get adjusted to her new home and everything.

Good Luck!

It looks promising, but like everyone else said you should definately hold off on bonding sessions for now. She's so young, and that's a lot of stress. Even then, it's best to only do bonding sessions and not have them live together until after she's spayed, because Haley's opinion of Harper could change once she hits puberty. She might not be so willing to let him be the top bun.

And mounting is to be expected. If she decides to be dominant when she hits puberty, don't be surprised to see Haley mounting Harper!
Sorry, I didn't realise she was only 5 weeks old, that's quite early for a bun to have left home. In that case I'd agree it's best to leave it until she's a minimum of 2-3 months. In the meantime if possible house her somewhere they can see/smell each other and it will be easier to get them together when she's older.

Tamsin, you are extremely knowledgable with bunnies, are you a breeder or a vet or something?
I've had pet bunnies for awhile and I do quite a bit of work with rescues. So, I've picked up a lot from having issues with my bunnies and loads from the experienced rescue workers :)


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