Ty is, most likely, in the early stages of kidney failure

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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2010
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
So we went in to the vet today (A different one from the first) and the answer she came up with was the early stages of kidney failure. She's given him approximatly 3-6 months and says that most likely, I'm going to have to make the decision to put him to sleep because they get miserable as the failure progresses and I'll know when it's time...

There is a chance that it is something that they just haven't found yet, but all the signs are pointing to this. Ty's stroke is an early warning sign (She showed us that the top of his right foot actually has no feeling left in the top of itby rubbing it along the tableedge. His left one jerked up right away but his right just hung limp like he couldn't feel anything was happening) of the condition, as well as the progression, the urine test results and a few other things that I didn't quite catch (I was getting pretty upset by this point and just started cuddling with him while my Mom listened). She said we could do a blood test later, but she wants to see if there is an immediate improvement after the sub-q fluids she gave him today. If he returns to normal... She's pretty much certain it's his kidneys. And if it's that... There's nothing I can do for him but make him comfortable. I'm probably going to get a blood test done but... Reading different things and listening to her talk and even reading other peoples stories... It sounds like exactly what he's going through.

So if he reacts like he should and we confirm this (Although we're already pretty certain, but I can hold on to the hope that maybe, this is just a misdiagnosis), I'm going to learn how to give sub-q fluids myself as it will need to be done at least 3 times a week and just love him in the time I have left with him.

Does anyone have any experience with this? Hearing that there is nothing I can do for him, I just feel so helpless and useless... I just keep wondering if I did something wrong... When am I going to know when to make that choice... I've just been a wreck all day, and that was before I knew that the situation was pretty much set...

Ty is too young for this........ :cry2

I am wondering if you put all the symptoms together if this could possibly bea case of ecunuculi which affects the brain, kidneys and muscles plus many other organ systems
read as much as you can about this protozoan parasite and possibly print out some material for your vet.


there is treatment.... Fenbendazole is often prescribed but better yetis a drug made originally for horses called Ponazuril

Panacur (fenbendazole) can be purchased at a farm store and is inexpensive ; I have bought the liquid solution marketed for goats...

Ponazuril is harder to find but is generally more effective although more expensive.


If your rabbit's kidney are failing you most likely will need to give him subqutaneous fluids for the time that he has left.
I am unsure as to whether later stage Ec responds to meds after organ damage has occured butI wouldn't think that it would hurt
...and once again we really do not know if this is ecuniculi..it is just a thought
Well, Ty has drastically improved today and I'm not sure how to feel about this... The vet explained that if he shows a big improvement from just the fluids, the odds of kidney failure rise drastically... And Ty seems like his usual self today...

I'm just hoping maybe he had a stone that they didn't find or something that he managed to fix himself but I'm doubting it...

If it is kidney failure, these next few months are going to be overwhelmingly difficult... I've watched animals slowly deteriorate before and having nothing you can do for them has to be the lowest, most upsetting feeling ever...

I'm just crossing my fingers in hopes that he stays feeling well and proves them all wrong, that it was just something they missed and he's going to be totally fine now...:cry2
oh...I know exactly how this feels.

my first bunny Flopsy had Kidney failure... he couldn't stand up properly and the vet asked if he drank more water than my other bunnies, and i realised he had drank MUCH more. But i really dont know much else as i too was cuddling my boy whilst my mum spoke with the vet too and i was quite young.
we kept him in a warm place inside, in a large dog carrier lined with blankets (it was winter)
at one point he seemed much better and i took him into the garden on a sunny day and he could run again. Sadly his health went downhill after that and he passed away.
He was 6 or 7 years old.

how old is Ty? Pray that you lil buddy is alright an its nothig serious and take good care of him! He sounds so loved, so if it is bad news you will have no trouble keeping him happy and comfortable im sure...
Kipcha, I am sorry you got a diagnosis like that. Is it possible that the stroke affected his kidneys and it isn't kidney failure?
The vet thought that it was more likely that kidney failure caused the stroke, unfortuanatly.

Ty has drastically improved, so I'm hoping perhaps that it's a misdiagnosis and this all is just not really happening... The vet explained that the longer he feels better after the sub-q fluid injection she gave, the earlier stage he's in. If he starts feeling bad in the next few weeks it's pretty much confirmation.

However, anyone can be wrong, right? He's pulled fast ones on us before.

Ty is around 4 years old, but we don't really know for sure. We got him from a friend of ours who had him for about a week after she took him from a family that got him as an easter present, got tired of him and were threatening to release him in a park that night if she didn't pick him up. So we offered to take him and I can't imagine who could tire of this little guy, he's just the most awesome little bunny. I've read in places that cedar shavings can cause premature kidney failure so I was wondering if perhaps the previous family kept him on it? He's most definitely never been exposed to it here, but the previous family had him at least a year so perhaps that could be a reason?

Just keeping our fingers crossed that he stays better, he's completely Ty again right now...
I think we had discussed some herbal stuff on Facebook, probably at least cranberries, parsley, and dandelion leaves.

Checking my rabbit health books, you could also look into using corn silk, milk thistle seeds, or burdock root. It's a good idea to do some research on herbal meds before trying them. Some have side effects or contraindications. Some are shown to be useless through scientific testing, while the same testing shows promise with other herbal meds. Check with your vet about dosing before giving the strictly-medicinal ones.
I'll be sure to look into all of these and ask the vet about which to use...

Where could I get cranberries from?
With parsley and dandelion leaves, aren't they high in calcium which would lead to more crystals/possibly stones?

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